Death of an Escort
that it
was strange to be without a security guard. Lots of businesses
didn't have security guards.
    In short, this was going be relatively
    I parked on the street. I hadn't seen another
car anywhere in the industrial park.
    The first thing I did was look for windows. I
didn't remember them well, as I hadn't been paying attention with
the idea of breaking in on my last visit.
    Windows did line the office space, but not
the warehouse side. I take that back. There were windows of a sort,
fixed panes, near the top of the warehouse. No way would I be
climbing to those.
    The windows to the office were also fixed
pane glass. No movable parts. The only way through one of those was
to smash it. That was more work then I was looking to do.
    I walked around to the far east side where
the main entrance was. I yanked on the glass door. It was securely
latched. So, I wasn't going to get in there. Not unless I wanted to
bust the door open. The glass in doors is much harder to break than
most realized. I realized and I didn't want to have to put that
effort in to breaking in.
    I walked in the direction of where I left my
car. Back over there were the loading docks. The semi-trailer that
I'd seen getting loaded was gone now and the three loading dock
doors were pulled shut.
    One of those was going to be my entry. I
jumped up onto the ledge of the first. I felt the door to see if it
was unlocked. It wasn't.
    Carefully, so as not to lose my balance, I
hopped over to the ledge of the central door. It too was locked.
This was the one that the trailer was getting loaded from earlier
that day.
    I hopped to the ledge of the last door. It
was locked as well, but it had some give to it. It would actually
move up an inch before stopping. That was all I needed.
    I jumped down and went to my car. There I
rummaged around in the trunk and found the tire iron. I know it's
supposed to be used for changing tires when you get a flat, but
that has never happened to me, and I've never used the thing.
    It was heavy and roughly the shape of a
crowbar, and that was what I needed right now. So with it in hand,
I went back to the last overhead door in the loading dock, and I
thrust it under.
    Then I got up on the bumper and I heaved on
it. After two heaves, the door came loose. Something snapped inside
or gave way. The overhead door rolled up, and I was inside.

Chapter 5
    I closed the door behind me. Now I had to
give my eyes time to adjust to the darkness. It was really, really
dark inside.
    The only light came from off to the side
about chest high. It had been a pin of green light when I first
came in, and now it was a pinpoint of red light. I had a sinking
feeling that I knew what that meant, but I went over to it to
    Indeed, it was an alarm, or the motion sensor
to an alarm. I should have noticed that before, but I didn't.
    I'd set off an alarm, and the cops most
likely would be showing up soon. If I was going to discover
anything, I was going to have to discover it fast. Of course, the
sane thing to do would be to get out of there now, but I wanted to
start getting some answers, and I'd already taken the trouble to
get in.
    First, I ran back outside and moved my car to
a parking lot nearby and I ran back.
    No police yet. Back inside the warehouse, I
moved through it as quickly as I could, which wasn't very quickly
seeing as how I couldn't see anything.
    The warehouse was much bigger than the
office, and it took me more time than I expected to work my way
through it.
    The cops were going to be here any minute
now, and it was making my heart beat faster and my palms a little
    I got to the front of the warehouse, and I
found the door that led to the office. It was unlocked and I let
myself in. I was very close to Mickey's office, as the shop
entrance to the office was on the opposite end from the front
    First thing I did in Mickey's office was
close the window shade. Then I turned his light on. I knew it made

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