
Read Deadrise for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Deadrise for Free Online
Authors: Steven R. Gardner
Tags: Zombies
"There are three of them out there right around the corner," he whispered, pointing for emphasis.
"Did they see you?" Matt asked.
"I don't think so, but we're going to have to fight to get past them."
"Great." Matt said.
    David listened to the banter between the two men, wishing he had their confidence and bravery. His heart was doing a marathon in his chest, and his breath was coming in short quick gasps. He knew if he didn't calm himself, he was going to hyperventilate.
"You wait right here." Matt said, patting his shoulder. "Me and Zack will take care of this."
"I can -" David began to argue in protest but Matt cut him off.
"Your dad told you to listen to us. Right?"
"We have automatic rifles anyway." Zack added. "We can shoot them easier."
"Don't worry," Matt finished." you'll get your turn."
    "Lets do it partner." Zack said. They stepped out the door and into the hall, taking quick aim at the three creatures. The roar of the guns was deafening inside the empty hallway. The zombies crumpled to the ground.
"I hope there aren't many more in here. We could run out of ammo real fast."
"How much do you have?" Matt asked.
"I got two full clips with me. You?"
"What's loaded and one extra. We still have that box of fifty down stairs."
    "That won't last long." Zack said flatly. Sensing David staring at him, Zack quickly shifted his mood. "Which way to the office?" he asked.
    "North down the main hall." They moved quickly and silently to the large double Plexiglas main office doors. Zack tried to pull them open.
    "Locked!" he exclaimed. "It figures."
    "Step aside." Matt said. Zack moved and Matt took aim at the lock. He squeezed off two quick rounds and the Plexiglas starred halfway up its length, but the door swung open a few inches.
    "We're getting to make this a habit." Zack said.
    The main office was large and spacious with windows wrapping around the west and north walls. Drab brown drapes were pulled halfway down, but enough light spilled in from outside to make the office bright enough to see without the flashlight. The office was meticulously clean; the desk's all nice and tidy, the floor vacuumed, the waste bins emptied. It looked like it would on any normal evening after the cleaning staff had gone home. Only the wilted plants and flowers gave away the illusion, indicating that the office had not seen a cleaner, let alone any human habitation for several weeks. They moved behind the main counter and began inspecting the desks.
    Matt picked up one of the phones and listened… Dead silence. He went back to his rummaging.
    David moved over to the window, peering under the blinds. Beyond was the vast expanse of main lawn at the northwest corner of campus. There were at least fifteen zombies stumbling aimlessly across the grass. The main intersection beyond was cluttered with a handful of wrecked vehicles, long abandoned by their owners. There too the dead walked.
    "Look at all of them." He said, more to himself than anyone else.
    "Don't think about them right now." Matt said. "Start searching these other desks. I'm going to see what’s back here." He headed down the south wing of the office, down a narrow hallway. By the time David pulled himself away from the window, Zack had searched all of the desks.
"Not a radio to be found." he muttered.
"The lockers." David said.
"What?" Zack asked.
    "The lockers. The last day of school was like a normal day. We all went home, expecting to come back the next day. But then all of our parents got a call. And they broadcast it on the news that all the schools had been shut down for an undetermined time. That means the lockers are still full. And a lot of students had radios in their lockers."
"Good thinking David." Zack clapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Matt! Lets go!"
Matt came back down the hallway. "Just a conference room back there. No radio."
"No worries. David here has solved the problem." Zack repeated what David had told him.
"But how are we going to get in the lockers?"

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