Secret Experiments on Humans , film by Egmont R. Koch & Michael Wech, 2002, .
“The Frank Olson Legacy Project,” .
“LSD, Murder and the CIA: Frank Olson, Enemy Combatant,” David Swanson, Counterpunch , March 26-28, 2010.
“Scientist was ‘Killed to Stop Him Revealing Death Secrets’: So Did Cheney and Rumsfeld Cover Up a CIA Assassination?,” Gordon Thomas, London Sunday Express , August 25, 2002.
“The Case of Frank Olson,” Olives Boothby, February 11, 1996: .
“Frank Olson: Did a government scientist jump to his death from a New York hotel? Or was he pushed?,” olson.htm .
“Rumsfeld & Cheney’s Dirty Little Spy Secret,” Fintan Dunne, Editor, , March 6, 2006, http://www.apfn.nrt/messageboard/03-06-06/discussion.cgi.31.html .
7 James E. Starrs with Katherine Ramsland, A Voice for the Dead: A Forensic Investigator’s Pursuit of the Truth in the Grave (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2005).
8 David Swanson, “LSD, Murder and the CIA: Frank Olson, Enemy Combatant,” Counterpunch , 26-28 Mar. 2010.
9 H. P. Albarelli Jr., A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments (TrineDay, 2011).
10 Joint Chiefs of Staff 1837/26, “Biological Warfare: Memorandum by the Joint Advanced Study Committee for the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” 21 September 1951, Combined Chiefs of Staff 385.2, sec. 13, RG 330, NARA: JCS 1837/26, “Statements of Policy and Directives on Biological Warfare,” 3 July 1952, Combined Chiefs of Staff 385.2, sec. 15, RG 273.
11 Stephen Endicott & Edward Hagerman, The United States and Biological Warfare: Secrets from the Early Cold War and Korea , Indiana University Press, 1998.
12 Walker M. Mahurin, Honest John: The Autobiography of Walker M. Mahurin , (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1962).
13 Amy Goodman, “An Inside Look at How U.S. Interrogators Destroyed the Mind of Jose Padilla,” August 16, 2007,, (accessed 14 May 2011).
14 , “Frank Olson: Did a government scientist jump to his death from a New York Hotel? Or was he pushed?,” (accessed 2 Feb. 2011).
15 Stephen Endicott, “Memo from Stephen Endicott, Professor of History, York University, analyzing the documents obtained by the Olson family from CIA Director William Colby in June 1975,” , February 4, 1999, (accessed 16 Feb. 2011).
16 , “Frank Olson: Did a government scientist jump to his death from a New York Hotel? Or was he pushed?,” (accessed 2 Feb. 2011).
17 Gordon Thomas, “Scientist was ‘killed to stop him revealing death secrets’; So did Cheney and Rumsfeld cover up a CIA assassination?” London Sunday Express , August 25, 2002, (accessed 14 Jan. 2011).
18 Gordon Thomas, “Scientist was ‘killed to stop him revealing death secrets’; So did Cheney and Rumsfeld cover up a CIA assassination?” London Sunday Express , August 25, 2002, (accessed 14 Jan. 2011).
19 Serendipity, “The Frank Olson Murder,” (accessed 14 May 2011).
20 Central Intelligence Agency, A Study of Assassination , 1954 (National Security Archive Center, Washington University), Released via Freedom of Information Act, May 23, 1997.
21 Starrs with Ramsland, A Voice for the Dead.
22 Code Name: Artichoke; The CIA’s Secret Experiments on Humans , film by Egmont