Darwin's Natural Selection

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Book: Read Darwin's Natural Selection for Free Online
Authors: Katie Allen
Tags: Erótica
some of those teeth?”
    Darwin suggested, and was immediately glad he’d made the joke when Tom laughed. There was something about the man that turned him into a clown.
    Darwin mentally shrugged. There were worse things to be than a clown.
    “Exactly,” Macy said, drawing his attention back to her. “But that’s marriage, I guess. Learning to live with someone you adore and not kill him.”
    “Here’s to non-homicidal marriage.”
    Darwin held up his wineglass, and Macy and Tom followed suit. As he took a sip, Darwin held the other man’s gaze, catching a quick flash of heat in those Bambi eyes before Tom flushed and looked away. Anne asked him a question and Tom focused on his sister in obvious relief.
    When Darwin turned back toward Macy, she was smiling.
    “What?” he asked.
    “I’m just glad Tom’s finally dating again,” she said quietly. “After what happened, he deserves a nice guy like you.”
    Her words brought Darwin’s attention into sharp focus but he tried to sound casual.
    “About that… What did happen?”
    He must not have done a very good job hiding his interest, because Macy instantly looked wary. “That’s probably something he should tell you,” she said, shifting in her seat and looking uncomfortable.
    “He did,” Darwin lied. He could hear Tom and Anne cheerfully bickering, but he still lowered his voice. “Just the basics, though. Nothing about how much it hurt him.”
    It had been a stab in the dark but it seemed to work. Macy’s face relaxed. “He’s that way. After it happened, Tom always pretended he was fine but I could tell he wasn’t.” She snorted. “Not that I’m super-perceptive or anything. A dead person could’ve known he was a mess.”
    After what happened? Darwin restrained his impatience. “I just don’t want to do anything to make things worse. I really like him.” This time, he was actually telling the complete truth.
    Visibly melting, Macy patted his arm.
    “I’m sure you’d never hurt him. In fact, with you, he already seems so much happier than he’s been for…what’s it been? Six months now?”
    Darwin just gave a vague murmur of agreement, nearly jumping out of his skin with the urge to yank the details out of Macy. He knew it was only moments before Tom started listening in on their conversation, and that would be the end of this informational chat.
    “I’m so glad he has someone to support him during the trial,” she continued. “Not that Anne isn’t ‘someone’, but you know what I mean. Someone special.”
    “That’s coming up soon, isn’t it?” Darwin guessed. “How do you think that’ll turn out?” He felt as if he were playing darts while wearing a blindfold. Macy had to start giving him some details soon.
    Macy scowled, looking almost fierce.
    “They better lock that monster up for a long time—his whole life, I hope. After what he did to Tom, not to mention those other poor boys…”
    Do mention them! Darwin ordered silently. Please. Throw me a bone here. Despite his frustration, he tried to keep his expression smooth, shooting for a look of bland concern.
    “When I think about how that assho—”
    “What are you two talking about?” Tom interrupted, and Macy snapped her mouth shut.
    Swallowing a soundless groan of disappointment, Darwin turned toward him.
    “You,” he said honestly, smiling when Tom immediately flushed. That’s what he deserved for cutting Macy off just as she was getting to the good part.
    The server slid a thin slice of cake in front of Darwin, distracting him. It had multiple delicate layers of chocolate in different forms. He was sure it had a fancy name but he didn’t really care. All that mattered was the chocolate.
    He took a bite and almost whimpered.
    Cake that tasted that good would ruin him for regular food. How could he eat a HoHo again after experiencing this incredible cake? He took another bite, closing his eyes this time to really savor the flavor.
    As the

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