Darkness Fades (Darkness Falls Series, Book 3)
    “You can see in the dark?” Nichelle asks me
quietly. “Either that, or you are a really good guesser of where
everything is.”
    I sit down next to her on the dirt floor and
lean against the rock wall behind me. “Yeah, I think maybe even
better than I can in the daytime,” I tell her, absentmindedly
touching the side of my eyes with my hand, pressing down, wondering
why I can see in the dark. Sure, it’s because I’m a Day Taker, but
how is it possible to see in the night. What makes it work?
    Maci is cuddled next to her on the floor and
I shake my head, trying not to smile. “It doesn’t take her long to
get attached to someone does it?” I ask.
    “She’s a good kid,” Nichelle says.
    “She really is,” I agree with her.
    “You two are close, aren’t you?” she asks,
sitting up carefully so she doesn’t wake up Maci.
    I shake my head, but it feels like a lie.
“I’m not close to anyone really.” Thoughts of what Monarch has
always said, rips into my head. You need to turn off your
emotions. They will ruin you; what you need to do.
    Before she can say anything else, I change
the subject because this particular one is pissing me off. “How
about you explain why the hell you came out here to look for
    “Because I was told this is where I could
find you; at least people who used to belong to your colony… I’m
supposed to take you back with me to our town.” She pauses,
considering something. “There’s a man there. Mathew. He’s probably
the oldest person in town. He says he has things he needs to tell
you. Things that may be able to help you save humanity.”
    “I don’t understand how someone I don’t even
know could know about me,” I say. “It doesn’t make any sense.”
    “Oh, you know him. You probably just don’t
remember him.” She yawns. “He was a doctor a long time ago, but
there were things being done he didn’t approve of, so he left and
went out on his own.”
    I listen to the steadiness of her heart
beating and it lets me know what she says is true, or at least that
she believes it’s true. I do remember there were a lot of doctors
in white coats near me all the time when I was younger.
    She suddenly reaches out in the darkness and
grabs my arm. My initial reaction is to jerk away, but for some
reason I don’t. “Kayla, you have to trust me. I need you to come
back with me before it’s too late.”
    “What do you mean before it’s too late?” I
ask, glancing between her hand and her expression, which is filled
with panic.
    She pulls her hand away and sighs. “Mathew
was bit by a vampire a few days ago.”
    “If he was bit he would have either died or
turned into one by now.” I know I should be more sympathetic;
however sympathy isn’t really one of my traits.
    “Normally, that’s true, but when Mathew was
first involved with the doctors from your colony, he used some of
the injections that they were experimenting with on himself.” She
pauses for a moment, choosing her words carefully. “Although he’s
not immune, one of the shots did cause a delay in his
transformation...” She sucks in a deep breath and her heart
trembles. “He… he believes that it’s part of the cure.”
    I take in everything she just told me. If
what she says is correct, I need to talk to this Mathew, but do I
dare go to this place? It’s unknown.
    “ Follow your instincts,” Monarch
whispers. “They’ll never lead you astray.”
    “Okay, I’ll go just as soon as daylight
hits.” I feel lost, knowing I can only hope I’m making the right
choice. “Now get some sleep. I need to make sure that you have
enough energy to get us there.”
    “Thank you, Kayla,” she says softly then
lies down on the dirt floor and closes her eyes.
    Seconds later, she falls asleep and I sort
of envy her for being able to. I sit wide awake, listening to the
vampire cries right outside as I wonder if I’ve made the right
choice while, at the same time, knowing that time is

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