Dark Angel: Skin Game
second, loving her sister, who had been with her since the very beginning; then she went on: "They call us freaks? Well, okay. Today ... I'm proud to be a freak. And today, we're gonna make our stand, right here."
    Looking around her, she studied the faces, so many faces, of those she knew and those she didn't know, but in her heart they were all her family. "Who's with me?" Calmly, Max raised a fist in the air.
    Joshua's fist shot up instantly and Original Cindy's and Logan's and Alec's and one by one the others, even Dix and Luke. This was a solidarity none of them had ever known, not even back at Manticore. They were together, proud and defiant. Finally, only Mole stood alone, arms at his sides.
    Max studied the lizard-faced commando. As she watched him gazing from face to face, she could see he felt it too— brotherhood was in the air. Sisterhood too.
    Slowly, his fist rose in the air and something like a grin appeared on that lizard puss.
    "Aw, what the hell...."

    A smile broke across Original Cindy's face; few smiles on the planet were brighter.
    "Right on!"
    Feeling hope flood through her system like adrenaline, Max thought of the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Tze, who said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
    She hoped they were getting off on the right foot.
    For the next forty-eight hours the transgenics fortified their position inside and kept a careful eye on the police and National Guard outside, who—true to Mole's prediction— had locked down the perimeter of Terminal City. Already a chain of command seemed to be establishing itself. Alec and Mole oversaw the upgrade in security, and Dix and Luke monitored the media—whose cameras gave them a nice look at the National Guard and police forces outside the fence. Joshua appointed himself Max's personal bodyguard, while Logan and Max pored over strategies for their next step.
    It was late the second night when Dix called them into the transgenics' makeshift media center. A dozen monitors were built into a pyramid, with four of their brethren watching them, sifting through the information from the various sources both local and national. Off to the left another baker's dozen of monitors kept track of the security system the transgenics had installed and been upgrading since they first settled in the restricted area.
    "What's going on?" Max asked.
    Dix pointed to a monitor in the third row; and an X5, a redheaded young woman about Max's age, pointed a remote that raised the volume.
    On the screen, a reporter stood in front of Jam Pony, Normal standing next to the man.
    "But about your captors ... what are these creatures like? Is it true you delivered a transgenic baby?"

    Normal beamed. He couldn't have been any happier if he'd been the father himself. "I did, and a beautiful, bouncing baby girl she is."
    The reporter asked, "So—you're saying they're not all monsters, then?"
    "Monsters?" Normal asked with a shake of his head, as if such a thought were foreign to him. "No more than you or me."
    And with that he turned away and swept the sidewalk in front of Jam Pony. When he saw two of his riders not moving fast enough, he said, "Hey, Sparky—not a country club, get moving. Bip bip bip!"
    The two slackers headed off in opposite directions, each trying to get as far away from Normal as fast as they could.
    Max turned to Logan. "What do you make of that?"
    Grinning, Logan said, "Looks like you've got another convert."
    With a perplexed look, Max asked, "Normal?"
    Logan shrugged. "Could be helpful to have another friend on the outside."
    She nodded. "Can't ever hurt to have another friend." Turning to Dix, she said,
    "Anything else?"
    He shook his mashed-potato head. "You should get some rest, Max."
    A yawn escaped from her. "Maybe you're right." She and Logan, as well as most of the rest of them, hadn't slept for at least the last two days. A nap wouldn't hurt her, and she knew Logan needed the rest even more than she. "Can you get

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