bad Death didn’t figure that out to begin with.”
“Everyone makes mistakes. Even Death.”
River returned her look to the fire. “Now you must find a way to rid yourself of Bran.”
“When we become Reapers, Death gives us more magic and power. Somehow Bran has passed that on to other Dark and increased his own in the process.”
She shook her head and swung her gaze to him. “No. Bran wouldn’t be able to do such a thing. It has to be either a person or item that is giving him that extra boost of power and allowing other Dark to have it as well.”
“How do you know this? We don’t know this.”
“I read a lot,” was her response.
Kyran rubbed his hands together. “You’ve obviously had some bad encounters with the Fae, and I’m sorry for that. We need your help, River. I know you can read the books.”
She smiled then, though it held a wealth of irritation. “Yes, I can.”
“One member of my family every few generations has the gift. Those who couldn’t read the books were told the stories to pass them down through the family until the next one of us who could read them came along.”
Kyran blew out a breath. The answer to their problems sat right in front of him. “Will you read them to us? Will you help us?”
“Where were you or Death when my family was being summarily slaughtered? Every generation. I’m the last of my line. As soon as I have a child and it’s old enough to know our secrets, I’ll be killed.”
Kyran frowned, thoroughly confused. “I don’t understand. Are you sure it’s the Fae doing this to your family?”
“Oh yes. I saw them tear my aunt apart.”
“Your parents?”
“They were killed while I was away. That’s how they found Maureen. They tracked me to her. They hadn’t known of her until then. The Dark wanted to be sure there was no one left but me.”
Kyran couldn’t imagine such suffering. No wonder she had problems with the Fae, especially the Dark. “You said you’ve been tracking the books. Were they at your aunt’s?”
“Yes. The Dark took great enjoyment out of stealing everything from me.”
“None of this makes sense. It had to be a Light Fae who gave your family the Fae blood.”
River remained silent, her gaze lowering.
Kyran closed his eyes and sighed. A Dark. When had there ever been a Dark who left a human alive? He lifted his lids and stared at River, seeing her with new eyes.
“I don’t want your pity,” she stated and once more looked at the fire.
“I’m not giving it.”
Kyran stretched his legs out and crossed them at the ankles. “You’re needed, River. It’s not by accident that you know what you do about the Fae and were put in our path. You’re destined to aid us in this.”
When she didn’t respond, he tried again. “Think of all the innocents, like your family and Jordyn’s, who were killed. You have a chance to help us put an end to such things for everyone. The half-Fae will no longer need to fear for their lives. And I promise you I’ll figure out who has hunted your family and end it.”
Her resigned look cut through him. “You can’t do that. You work for Death. I doubt you’ll be given leave to help me.”
“Let me deal with that. Whether you help me or not, I’m going to find out why the Dark are hunting your family. And then I’m going to make sure it never happens again.”
River swung her gaze to him. She tucked a long length of hair behind her ear. “Do I have your word you’ll stop whoever is after me?”
“Aye.” Kyran held out his hand.
River stared at it a moment before she leaned up and took it. They shook, her small hand in his. “Then I’ll help you.”
“Good. You need to get somewhere warm.”
He didn’t give her any time to change her mind. Kyran kept hold of her hand and teleported them to the caves.
She weaved on her feet. Instantly, his arms were around her. “A little warning would’ve been nice,” she said.
It took Kyran a
Annathesa Nikola Darksbane, Shei Darksbane