Danger Money

Read Danger Money for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Danger Money for Free Online
Authors: John Van Stry
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, furry
other assassins that I had anything to do with, and as two of them were female, sometimes we never even spoke. Just grunted, moaned and tried to make ourselves forget for a while.
    After ten days I went down to the visitor's area. Sure enough Azelett was there.
    "Thanks for coming," I said smiling, "Come on in."
    "Is it safe?" She asked looking at the guards.
    "No, but nobody bothers authorized guests. It's rule number two."
    "Well I'd like to thank who ever made that rule!" she smiled.
    "You're welcome," I replied smiling.
    "I should have known," she laughed.
    "Well rank his it's privileges and all that."
    "So I've heard. Shotoon filled me in some, and Rieselle most of the rest."
    "Anything interesting at the debrief?"
    "Not really, they confirmed your mission. Also, according to our sources they found enough of the injector to jump to the proper conclusions." She looked around as I took her down to the park. "Is it true that they don't ever give you leave?"
    "Once they decide you're too dangerous, that's it."
    "I'm surprised that nobody ever breaks out."
    "No place to go, it's all vacuum out there. And besides we have no ident tags or identities even." I pointed to where her absent ID chain normally was. "Try and live without one of those on the Moon or even the Earth. You won't get very far."
    "But you do exist," she chuckled and rubbed up against me. "You feel very solid to me!"
    "Not out there I don't," I sighed, "but let's avoid that subject." We walked into the park then. It was a nice place, about twenty acres under a dome deep in the crater that our little Palace was set under. It was twilight, my favorite time.
    "Oh!" She was surprised, looking around at all the dense forest. "This is amazing!"
    "They do try and make us happy," I admitted. "And while the efforts often fall short, we all appreciate the fact that at least they try.
    "Come on, let me show you my favorite spot." I led her to a nice secluded ledge on an outcrop in the crater's side. It was covered with grass and lilac bushes. I liked lilacs and had landscaped it myself.
    "Nice." She said laying down next to me.
    "I missed you," I said pulling her close and kissing her.
    "You hardly even know me!" She smiled.
    "Who can say that they honestly know anyone?" I smiled and started kissing her throat, "Ummm?"
    "We're not being watched are we?"
    "No, they don't monitor anything. We wouldn't stand for it and there's really no point." I had been working my way down her torso and was nearly at my goal.
    "Okay, just wanted to be sure," she smiled down at me and scratched my head. "Swing your butt around here why don't you?"
    I readily complied as my mouth had found its goal and I carefully went to work with my muzzle and tongue. She rewarded my efforts by taking me into her mouth and putting her own tongue to good use. We spent a long time there, making love and enjoying each other. It was full dark and very late indeed when we had sated our desires for each other.
    "I hate to ask, but how can you stand it?"
    I could see her eyes glowing in the dim reflected light.
    "By acting tough and a little crazy," I replied. "Like on the ship. I'll champion the most ridiculous cause, or the one least likely to be won. I fight for things I don't have and probably never will and don't even care about. Or just do the most insane thing I can think of to show off."
    "Have you asked for a different assignment?" she tried.
    "Of course, but they're afraid to let me go. As much for my protection as theirs. I've seen too much, too many people would love to get their hands on me."
    "They're afraid of you, aren't they?"
    "They're afraid of us as a group. I don't know if they're afraid of any one of us. At least they're letting the group shrink. When I got signed on there were one hundred of us, now it's down to thirty three."
    "But they're still training, aren't they?"
    "Not really, I think they want to get the number down some more. Things aren't as busy as they once were."
    "They're not?

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