they’d purchased in a hostile takeover. If she did it, he’d make her CEO of their entire organization.
Her father had never expected her to be successful.
In less than eight months, the new company was not only in the black, it was turning the highest profit it had in years.
And Harrison Wells was never one to welsh on a bet.
She smiled as she handed the papers over. Doug realized that she was genuinely happy over this arrangement. She wasn’t trying to use him unfairly. He’d agreed to this crazy, albeit generous and highly profitable, deal.
Her smile made her look a little less careworn. “These are for you,” she said. “Some basics about the company. If you’re not busy today, I’d like to send you out with Gorden to get some stuff. It’s going to take us a week or so to get you a corporate credit card. My father is going to be here later today, and I want to introduce you to him.”
“You want me to look my best.”
She laughed. “Exactly.” He realized there was nothing mean or hurtful in her laugh. Even her hazel eyes had faint smile lines around them. “Believe me, you deserve it,” she added. “I’m more than happy to spring for a shopping spree.”
For a moment, it looked like her demeanor slipped before she strengthened her smile. She lowered her voice. “Doug, you have no idea how much I appreciate what you’re doing. I realize, yes, you benefit from this, but I cannot begin to tell you how much this means to me.”
Now he felt like a double shit. Here was a nice woman in a tough situation of her own. Gorden had told him her father wouldn’t hesitate to follow through on his threat to remove her from the company if she kept pushing herself as hard as she had. He suspected there was more to the story, but Gorden either wouldn’t or couldn’t elaborate further.
* * * *
Harper tried not to stare at Doug from across the table. He was definitely easy on the eyes. And single. How lucky am I? Maybe she could eventually talk him into her bed.
She wouldn’t mind that in the least. Yes, she wouldn’t deny it’d be nice to have a real boyfriend instead of a vibrator or shower massager.
If she could even convince him to stay. Someone as cute as him surely couldn’t have any problems getting dates if he wanted them.
Quit thinking like that , she chided herself. This is business.
“Well, I’ll leave you two to it,” she said. She grabbed her folder and stood, shaking hands with him before turning to Gorden. “When is Dad due in?”
“Three o’clock.”
“I’ll be in my office and waiting for you.”
Gorden smiled. “You’re not wasting a second of time, are you?”
She patted him on the shoulder. “What? Even my father said I needed to get on the ball and find your replacement.”
The sound of his laughter followed her out of the coffee shop. She had the elevator to herself as she rode up to her floor. She paged through the folder. Douglas Allen Holt. Had turned twenty-five only four weeks earlier. She closed the folder, leaned against the elevator wall, and tapped the folder against her thigh. She smiled.
Dad will never know what hit him.
Chapter Five
Gorden led Doug from the coffee shop to the private parking garage that took up the third through fifth floors of the building. He showed him to a black Mercedes CLS550 sedan. Doug was almost afraid to get inside it.
Gorden looked at him. “What’s wrong?”
“Is this yours?”
“Company car. But Harper promised it to me when I retire.” He grinned. “I heard her on the phone ordering yours this morning.” Gorden slid behind the wheel, leaving Doug standing there, gawking at him.
When Doug finally got into the passenger seat he said, “She ordered me a Mercedes? You’re kidding, right?”
“Nope.” He started the car. It purred to life. Doug never knew cars really could purr, but this one did. “Harper believes in treating employees right. In return, they almost always, without fail, take on personal
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