Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10)

Read Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10) for Free Online

Book: Read Daeton's Journey (Wiccan-Were-Bear Book 10) for Free Online
Authors: R. E. Butler
fingertips as he joined them.  “You have to trust us to keep you safe.”
    She turned her head and rested her cheek against Perseus’s chest, looking at Ekho.  “I do trust you.  I thought the market would be safe, I didn’t consider that it might not be.”
    She didn’t want to think that her life was still in danger, or those of her husbands or her extended family, but she couldn’t deny the evidence.  Someone was out to get her.  The question was…who?
    * * * * *
    The morning of the December full moon, Daeton picked wildflowers with Draya and Fontaine to use as the scent in an oil.  The oil would be sold in the marketplace.  The flowers, called holadils , smelled like lavender but were coral-colored.  “Do we have enough?” Fontaine asked, lifting the flower-laden basket.  Daeton, who had become quite adept at making scented oil, added her bunch of flowers to the basket and said, “I believe so.”
    “Good, I’m hungry,” Fontaine said.  “I didn’t sleep well last night and ate morning meal before the sun rose.”
    “Why didn’t you sleep well?” Daeton asked as she stood and brushed the dirt from her skirt.
    “I don’t know.  I just felt unsettled and couldn’t get comfortable.”
    “I feel like that on the full moon.  My bear gets anxious.”
    “You have two husbands to keep you company, though,” Fontaine pointed out.
    Daeton blinked at the young woman.  “Are you having mating dreams, Fontaine?”
    She shook her head.  “No.  I just feel unsettled.  It’s been that way for a few days now.”
    Fontaine and Draya were human, so they wouldn’t feel the pull to shift with the full moon, but that didn’t mean they weren’t sensitive to supernatural things.  They’d been raised in a castle with a were-bear, and the Medes Realm was full of unique shifters and other paranormal creatures that Daeton had never known existed.
    There was a commotion as they neared the homes and Daeton saw the males standing around, their hooves stamping nervously.  As they drew closer, Daeton was surprised to see two familiar faces – her former protectors, Rysk and Tyrant.  They held their hands in front of them, as if to show they were unarmed.
    Daeton raced forward, pushing through the crowd to leap into Rysk’s arms.  “Princess,” he said, his voice a low growl.  “Thank the bear spirits you are well.”
    “I’m not a princess anymore,” she said as he set her on her feet and she hugged Tyrant.  Both males were tall and muscular, their bodies honed from years of training and fighting in the former prince’s army.  “I never actually was a princess,” she added.
    Tyrant shook his head.  “You always will be to us.”
    “Daeton?”  Cosmo said anxiously. “What’s going on here?”
    “You remember Rysk and Tyrant, the warriors who saw me safely to the palace.  This is my father-in-law, Cosmo.”
    Rysk and Tyrant bowed their heads briefly.  Cosmo grimaced.  “As I recall, they led you right into a trap.”
    “No one could foresee what would happen,” Daeton pointed out.  “I’ve forgiven them, and I’m the one who almost died in the palace.  You should forgive them, too, Papan.”
    He looked over her head at the warriors, his eyes hard and his face set as if he were silently communicating his displeasure to them.  After a tense moment, he said, “If it’s what you wish, my daughter.  Let’s speak in the house.”  He sent Abrax to find Perseus and Ekho, and Daeton hooked her arms through Rysk and Tyrant’s arms and started off toward Cosmo’s home.
    “What brings you to Cholas?” she asked.
    “A week ago, we felt compelled to come to you.  I don’t know why, but I believe we are meant to be here at this time, to help you,” Tyrant said.
    “Help me with what?”
    Rysk said, “We don’t know.  But we both felt the need to come back to Cholas.”
    Daeton was quiet as she sat down at the kitchen table in her in-laws’ home.  “I’m

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