
Read Curtains for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Curtains for Free Online
Authors: Angelica Chase
Tags: Suspense, Erótica, Literature & Fiction, BDSM, Romantic Erotica
newfound happines s .. . for the second time.
    Did the details really matter? Why did I care so much about the way things happened? What is it in me that could n ' t just let it go and be thankful like Rhys was?
    No, when it came down to it, the details did n ' t mean anything.
    Rhys was all that mattered, and his silence was deafening.

    I left my mother on River Street to finally head home and get on with living. As soon as I stepped through the door, my phone vibrated.
    " Hey, Molly , " I answered, less than enthusiastic.
    " So do you have plans tonight with that hot as hell new boyfriend or did I just get lucky enough to catch you without any ? "
    " Tonight ? "
    " Yes, Violet. I t ' s New Yea r ' s Eve . "
    I had spent an entire week at my parents!? No wonder my mother was ready to kick me out. I had been nothing but a moping pain in the ass.
    " No, h e ' s at his parent s ' house until tomorrow. But I will never go out on a holiday again. I ' m cursed . "
    " Come on, Violet, just a few drinks before the road becomes dangerous. Then we can bring in the New Year at your house . "
    " What happened to Roger ? " I asked about her current fling.
    " H e ' s on a last minute business trip . " I could tell from her tone she was lying. From the sound of things, she needed me. I looked down at my clothes and caught my reflection in my freezer door. I had once again turned into a slob of a woman, a pitiful mess agonizing over a man.
    Old habits die hard.
    " Fine, where ? "
    " Girl, you wo n ' t regret it. We will have a relaxed night, I promise . "
    God, how I wanted to believe her.

    Molly and I sat at the bar, laughing hysterically at the events of Christmas Eve. Though the situation was anything but funny, she had a way of making the disaster seem so as she tried to put it all in perspective.
    " You are an insensitive ass, Molly, really , " I said, catching a tear from my last bout of laughter.
    " Seriously, Violet, you ca n ' t make shit like this up. I mean, dear God, what a fucking story . "
    " I t ' s not funny , " I said firmly as the corners of my lips lifted. She stared at me for a full minute before we both burst out laughing.
    " Okay , " she said, lifting the cocktail straw to her mouth , " if you honestly want to know what I think, I say take him with all his flaws and his baggage, Violet, because he has to take you the same way. I t ' s really very simple. In this fucked up situation, even with all the drama, you two make each other happy. Your coincidences make you miserable, but they are no longer in the picture. She is no longer in the picture. H e ' s going to fuck up and so are you. Tha t ' s a given. I do n ' t blame you for holding your ground on th e ' omissio n ' thing, but do n ' t drag it out until you two are strangers. You are so ready to stand up for yourself in this relationship because you did n ' t do a damn thing in the previous one to defend yourself, but you are punishing the wrong guy . "
    " I will not be treated like that, ever again , " I whispered to her, and to myself.
    " And I ' m glad yo u ' ve seen the light. Just do n ' t let it blind you from seeing the guy who deserves you , " she said, nodding to the bartender to refill her glass.
    Maybe I was being an ass by dragging it out, or maybe the Old Fashioned I was drinking was doing a good job of making my situation a little less serious, less devastating. Either way, I was less angry, and for the first time in a week, I felt like I could recover.
    And I missed him.
    " Ladies, these drinks are on the gentlemen at the table behind you . " We looked over our shoulders and lifted our glasses in thank you.
    " Thank you , " Molly said flirtatiously in a sing-song tone.
    " Happy New Year , " I said cheerfully.
    Minutes later, the four of us were making small talk. I had protested Molly leaving the seat next to me, and was stuck in the position of entertaining Luke, a dark-haired, dark-eyed friend of the gentlemen that Molly had quickly become smitten

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