Crush (A Night Fire Novel Book 1)

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Book: Read Crush (A Night Fire Novel Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: TM Watkins
bag is.
    “I'm not fucking them Frankie.” he yelled over the music.
    Well isn't that just perfect? Why, let's have a fight for everyone to see. And of all the subjects too, my word what a fantastic subject to fight about. Groupies and sex. Joyous times ahead.
    I turned back to him and looked him dead in the eye, not caring that we were fast becoming the center of everyone's attention.
    “You are drunk, how would you know what you will do? Huh? You're certainly hanging off them as if they're going to get a chance.”
    My hands found my hips, staring him down. “Come on Curtis, tell them that you've got a girlfriend and that you're not interested, that you're not going to do anything with them.”
    I walked back over to him, daring him to say something.
    “Why did you ruin my life if you can't even be honest with me? Why did you stalk me for two months if you can't be faithful? I'm leaving now, enjoy your meaningful minute of sex with your random hookups.”
    I turned back to my path out of this nightmare, feeling pure anger at the whole stupid situation. Angrily I turned and stalked back to Curtis.
    “You know what sucks the most about tonight? I've been out here on my own. You dragged me here with the expectation of so much yet you've given so little. I don't know anyone other than you and those four freaks you call friends and you couldn't even have the decency to keep me company. Instead you slink off into this monster house and get drunk, only to return to me with two women hanging off you. You said to me, your supposed girlfriend that you didn't fuck groupies but you know what Curtis? I don't believe you.”
    And with that I turned and finally left the house.
    Some bitch might have had my bag in her hand, waiting for me by the front door. Said bitch might have had a smug attitude as she haughtily waited for me to leave. I might have taken the bag and pushed said bitch into the planter behind her. Fuck knows who she was and I wasn't prepared to hang around to find out. She was dressed a little business like so maybe she was management or something.
    Shit. Why can't he just leave me alone? I turned back to see him ignore the bitch and continue straight to me. Now I really was curious as to who she was.
    “Baby please don't go.”
    “Why do you care Curtis? Clearly you're not done with the partying lifestyle so go back in there and sow your seed like a good little rock star.”
    “There you go again.” he grumbled.
    I sighed and dumped the heavy bag to the ground.
    “Look Curtis, I like you okay? I barely know you but the person that was at the park this morning, he was kinda cool. This guy here.” I pointed to him. “He's not cool. He ignored his girlfriend for hours while he did god only knows what. If you don't fuck groupies then why are they here?”
    “The other guys, other people. Come on Frankie, what's the issue here?”
    I really wanted to punch him. Not that it would do anything except break every single bone in my hand.
    “You abandoned me. You swanned out completely drunk hanging off two women in bikinis. All I wanted was to get to know you. How many words have you said to me since seven o'clock tonight?”
    His face winced slightly, the truth surfacing in his beer addled mind.
    “None, right Curtis? Three and a half hours without a single peep out of you. Wouldn't know where you were. If I were to look I would get lost because look at the size of the place. But I shouldn't have to look for you. You invited me here, you are the host. I don't expect to hold all of your clearly precious and valuable time but a few minutes here and there might have been nice. And if my company was too much for you, then maybe you should have introduced me to people or better yet, taken me home.”
    “Frankie.” he sighed. “I want you here, you aren't too much and I'm not taking you home.”
    His fingers toyed with mine, they were tucked in under my folded arms. Slowly he was unraveling me and I

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