“Hey, Mel! Are you busy? You won’t believe this.”
“No, I’m just getting off work about to go pick up some wedding magazines. What’s up? What won’t I believe?”
“I’m still in shock that you and David are getting married considering you both swore off the whole institution. I’m so excited for you two.”
“I know. I might swear it off again. Do you know how expensive weddings are? My goodness. We should just fly to Vegas.”
“Are you kidding? No way. I’m looking forward to coming home next fall for the wedding. Let me know if you want me to make something now that I’ve just walked into fabric heaven!” Her eyes were huge trying to soak it all in. Cree turned around and around before walking down an aisle unable to stop herself from touching all the different fabrics. “Talk about touch the rainbow. This store has everything in every color and every type of material. It’s about a gazillion times bigger than the one in Jackson.”
“Really? Then, you better create something fantastic and New Yorkish for my wedding.”
Cree laughed. “I’m not that good yet.”
“Hey, I’ve meant to ask you, how was your dinner with Cameron’s friends last week?”
Her laughter died. “The restaurant was excellent and the food was delicious. We hadn’t been out like that in a while.”
Melody chuckled. “You started off with the restaurant. That’s not a good sign. What about the people?”
Even though Melody couldn’t see her, Cree shrugged. “They seem to be a pretty tight knit group. Even finishing each other’s sentences.”
“ Ugh . I don’t think I would like it if someone else was finishing David’s sentences.”
“Yeah, well, I didn’t like it either. But, I guess that’s part of the consequences of spending more time with Cameron than I have over these last few years.” She decided to keep it to herself that she especially didn’t like the way his friend Delia finished Cameron’s sentences. The giggle and the toss of her hair were a bit much, but Cree trusted Cameron and refused to be one of those jealous wives; unless he gave her a reason. “I sat and smiled a lot. His friend, Robert, he was pretty nice. He seems to be a man of very few words, though.”
“What about the rest of his friends? How many of you were there?”
“They were all pretty nice. And there were six of us, Cameron and me, his friends Robert Priestly, Freddie McAdams, Delia Thornton, and Gwen Franks. They are all doing their medical residency at Presbyterian too. Well, not Gwen. She’s doing hers at Bellevue Hospital.”
“Two bimbos, huh?”
That was why Cree loved Melody. She always understood her without having to spell out how she was feeling. “Well, I think Robert is dating Gwen. But, Delia is flying solo.”
“How did they treat you?”
Cree fell in love with a chartreuse fabric. Tentatively, she ran her fingers over it before continuing. “Like I said, they were nice. Although, it could just be me feeling like the outsider, it seemed like when I tried to offer something to the conversation, they weren’t very interested to what I had to say. I felt mostly invisible.”
“What about Cameron? Did he notice?”
“I doubt it. He’s still on cloud nine that I’m here and he’s at Presbyterian. Seriously, it’s no big deal. Hopefully, once they get to know me, they’ll loosen up.”
“Hmm…well, trust your gut. It’s very possible to have friends of the opposite sex like you and David but keep one eye open with Gwen and Delia. Their little group was nice and tight before you arrived. Things are going to change for them now that you’re in the mix. Keep me posted.”
“You know I will.” Cree looked at the price of the material. The sale was unbelievable. “These prices are unreal. I can buy enough fabric for several projects. I think that it just may be time for me to put my own special touches to our apartment.”
“You mean mark your territory. You’re not
Flowers for Miss Pengelly