Creamed at the Coffee Cabana: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Cozy Mystery Series Book 1)

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Book: Read Creamed at the Coffee Cabana: A Cozy Mystery (Sweet Home Cozy Mystery Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Constance Barker
would we?” Essie said sarcastically.
    I noticed Essie was watching Toe carefully to see how he and Mildred would interact. Nothing out of the ordinary. I knew this was driving Essie nuts. Toe had asked her out several times around a year after her husband passed, but she wasn’t interested. Now that she discovered Toe was known around town as some sort of Casanova, her radar was on alert.
    Toe put Hildie’s bag from Jackson’s hardware store in the back room. “Thanks for carrying that for me Toe.” Now Essie was giving Hildie the side eye. Heh.
    “We have some news,” Hildie continued oblivious to Essie’s sourpuss face. “Mr. Jackson said a few of his customers came in and said they saw Mike Barton being taken into the police station.”
    Essie, Jules and I looked at one another, not sure what to make of it.
    “They didn’t arrest him did they?” I asked.
    Hilde shook her head. “Not as far as Mr. Jackson knows. Although he arrived in a police cruiser with Eli. His hands weren’t handcuffed as far as anyone could see.”
    A few more customers strolled in for their afternoon pick me up. Of course, word spread quickly regarding Mike being taken into the police station for questioning. Mildred finally left, taking her button with her. Not long after, Harvey showed up again.
    He walked up to the counter and sat on one of the stools next to Jules. “I might as well tell you all the news.” His face looked dour.
    We steeled ourselves for the worst. “Eli arrested Mike for Fannie’s murder.”
    Hildie gasped. “Oh no. I was hoping they were only questioning him.”
    Harvey’s shoulders sagged. “They did question him, but evidently they didn’t like his vague answers. Some people saw him in the alleyway behind the shop during the parade that day.”
    Apparently Mildred wasn’t the only person who saw him in the alley so she must have been telling the truth.
    “What do you mean about his answers being vague?” I asked.
    “Mike said he was making a phone call, but he wouldn’t tell Eli who it was. Said it was personal and he shouldn’t have to reveal a name.”
    Essie didn’t like the sound of that. “Well that sounds odd. Why wouldn’t he tell Eli who he was talking to? I don’t care how personal it was; better to tell than to be thought of as a murderer.”
    I had to agree. Why would Mike not want to divulge who he was talking to? My mind immediately went to Meghan and Trevor, his wife and son. They must be devastated.
    “We should make dinner and take it over to Meghan and Trevor this evening. Give them some support don’t you think?” I asked.
    My aunts and Jules agreed. We’d make a meatloaf and all the fixins and take it over. I was sure they probably weren’t hungry, but in the south food cures all, or at least makes things seem better. Unfortunately, nothing was going to help this situation.

Chapter Seven
    I called Meghan first to make sure it was okay with her that we bring a meal by. She was understandably upset, but told us to come ahead. That it would be good to have friends around. When we arrived and set the food in the kitchen, Trevor and a friend emerged from his bedroom. They filled their plates, got a few colas from the fridge and went right back to Trevor’s room.
    “How is he holding up?” I asked Meghan.
    Meghan placed a small slice of meatloaf on her plate. “He’s doing okay. Basically, he’s ignoring what’s going on. Playing his video games with his friends. Maybe that’s better.”
    Essie poured herself a glass of lemonade from the pitcher we brought with us. “Sooner or later he’ll have to face it.”
    Meghan nodded. “I know, but I think I’ll let him be for now. I am so glad you all came, and it was so thoughtful of you to bring dinner.”
    We told her it was our pleasure and that we wanted to help in any way possible. As we sat down to eat, Hildie

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