Cowboy Who Came For Christmas (Harlequin Romance)
and decided not to tell her how many times he’d heard that comment over the years. “I don’t know about that.”
    “I have a right to protect myself,” she said, her hackles definitely rising, her freckled skin flushing while her eyes became a fire-tipped blue.
    Ignoring the current of heat running through his body, he said, “Yes, you certainly do. Why do you need to protect yourself?”
    “I shouldn’t have to tell you that. It’s pretty obvious.”
    Adan tried again. “Do you recognize the man in the sketch?”
    She lowered her head, her gaze cutting to the floor. Adan couldn’t be sure if she was about to lie to him or if she really was agitated by seeing that wanted poster on her door.
    “Sophia?” Adan wasn’t always patient, but he’d learned to be whenever he was trying to drag information out of someone. He waited for her to look at him and hoped she’d be honest.
    She finally let out a long sigh and gave him a direct glare. But he didn’t see anything but sincerity and stubbornness in her blue eyes. “I haven’t seen him around here.”
    Adan let out a grunt and got up. “That’s not what I asked.”
    * * *
    S OPHIA DECIDED SHE ’ D had enough questions for one night. “I’m going to see about Bettye,” she said, already reaching for her heavy coat and her gun.
    “Hey, wait a minute,” he called after her.
    But Sophia was tired of waiting, tired of looking over her shoulder and very tired of being afraid. “I told you, I haven’t seen that man around here, but somebody left that mug shot for a reason. I’m going to check on my neighbor, so you need to just back off.”
    “I’m coming with you,” Adan called, his boots hitting the old hardwood floors as he chased after her.
    Sophia opened the heavy latched door, a gust of cold wind and wet snow taking her breath away. She needed this blast of cold air to clear her head. After four years here on the mountain, she’d become happy again and she’d gotten her strength back. She wasn’t about to have a midnight confession with a Texas Ranger.
    I’ll figure out something. I always do.
    “Hey, wait up.”
    The driving wind caused the heavy flakes to dance in a straight line across the woods. She gasped to catch her breath then motioned to Adan. He’d just come after her if she didn’t let him go with her. And to be honest, she didn’t want to be out here alone. Not if Joe Pritchard was roaming around.
    Adan followed her down the slippery wooden steps and took hold of her arm to link it with his. “We need to stick together.”
    “I agree.”
    “Why do you feel this sudden need to check on Bettye? We just left her place.”
    Sophia lifted a gloved hand in the air. “The weather, a criminal on the loose, because I can.”
    “You’re sure stubborn,” he said on a hiss as the wind cut them both to the bone.
    “Yes, I am.” She nodded. “Her cabin is dark, but she has a night-light. The power might have gone out.” Taking a glance back at her own cabin, she said, “I still have electricity, so she should, too.”
    “Must be asleep,” Adan called over the driving wind.
    Sophia nodded, her skin tingling as the icy flakes hit her and clung to her hat and hair. This was the worst snowstorm she’d ever experienced while living on Crescent Mountain.
    How would Adan ever be able to get out of here?
    Worried now that she’d have to contend with him for more than just tonight and wondering where Joe had gone, she steeled herself to deal with both of them. She wouldn’t let Ranger Harrison intimidate her and she wouldn’t let Joe Pritchard—or whoever it was—scare her. She was long past being afraid of anything.
    Except the truth.
    She’d worry about how to handle that later. She had to make sure Bettye was okay—she was spry and in good shape, but she was still getting on in years. If Joe knew Bettye was Sophia’s friend, he’d zoom in on her just to bring out Sophia.
    When they reached Bettye’s porch, Adan pointed to

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