Cowboy Valentine
so that the top of his cock dragged against the hood of her clit whenever he thrust. Then he grabbed her and began to nuzzle her neck, kissing her sweet spot until she began to whimper.
    A minute was all it took. She froze. Suddenly spasms racked her body and her pussy began to convulse wetly around him.
    In a heartbeat, Caleb seized her hips, arched his back and came so hard he almost blacked out. His orgasm ran like liquid rapture through his veins, swirled in his balls and shot out of him in long pulls of come.
    When it was over, Caleb caught his breath and realized that Cora was kissing him—tiny, tender kisses all over his cheeks and neck.
    “Are you all right?” she whispered.
    A hot wind rose up in the orchard, stirring the branches and licking the trickle of sweat that ran down his spine. He shivered.
    Together, they looked down as he pulled out of her.
    Caleb never tired of seeing this. When he withdrew, his come slid out of her in a faint trickle, white against pink. A few drops landed on the ground, darkening the dust at his feet.
    He reached for Cora and held her in silence, stroking her long black hair. Back in March, they had made love under these trees in full blossom. White flowers snowed down on them and tangled in Cora’s dark hair. Now, all around them, the green branches creaked and swayed in the wind, heavy with ripening fruit.
    Every cell in his body screamed, Don’t let her go.
    They lay down in the truck bed together and shared a cigarette. Caleb reached up and plucked an almond from a nearby tree to show her. With his fingers, he stroked the furry green fruit. “This outer part—it’s not tasty. We sell it for feed.”
    “There’s a seam there,” she said, turning it in the light.
    “That’s where it splits when the almonds are ready.” He cracked open the hull and extracted the pale nutmeat inside. “You want to taste it?”
    She frowned at him. “Is it nasty?”
    “No, not really. But it needs to ripen and dry out to taste right.”
    She put it in her mouth. He watched her face as she ate it.
    “You’re right. It’s not bad. But it doesn’t taste like an almond. Tastes like…grass.” She kissed him and whispered, “Tastes like your come.”
    He raised an eyebrow at her. “I don’t believe you. I think you should do a taste test.”
    She laughed. “Let me get this straight. I eat a nut…and then you nut, so that I can eat that.”
    “See, Cora, that’s what I like about you. You’re one of them classy girls I’ve heard so much about.”
    They lay together, joking and horsing around until the alarm on her cell phone went off.
    She took some baby wipes out of her gym bag, cleaned up and put on her work uniform, the yellow cotton dress that all the girls at the ice-cream parlor wore. As he polished off her bag of carrots, he watched her brush her hair.
    He drove her to work in silence. He couldn’t shake the feeling that somewhere there was another timer counting down, another alarm ready to sound. She’d go on to live the rest of her life, and he’d stay put, stuck with a memory of what it felt like to make love to her in an almond orchard, a memory of her in his rearview mirror.
    She got out of the truck and, as usual, kissed him through the open driver’s side window.
    “See you,” she said with a smile.
    His heart did funny things in his chest as he watched her cross the parking lot and disappear into the shop.
    On Saturday, after he helped Clark and Daniel mend fences in the eastern pasture, Caleb washed his truck, took a shower and went to pick up Cora.
    Beautiful in the noonday sun, she wore a black tank top, jean shorts and her usual canvas sneakers. When she leaned over and kissed him, she smelled like laundry detergent and shampoo, a sweet herbal scent that made his mouth water.
    She was leaving in a week. He was trying not to be sentimental about things, but each time they made love, he began the countdown in his head. Would this be the last time? How much

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