magically transformed her. So the one
thing that Maria had really been superior to her in had been stripped away, in
mere moments.
On the good
side, she'd come to realize years before that she'd sort of deserved the
thrashing she'd taken that day. The knowledge of that had come a bit slowly,
since she'd been called away from school by her parents, who had arranged a
marriage with Marvin for her. They knew of what she'd done, making herself into
a Doretta like she had, but neither of them had even so much as scolded her for
it. That was for one simple reason, naturally.
They’d both had
expected her to understand her error without being told. It was one thing to
beg off such an invitation, if a person were truly foul, or gross. Even then it
had to be done with care however. It was like with the situation that she and
Riven had been in, if in a less intimate manner. More dangerous too.
Riven might,
possibly, take umbrage at what she'd done with him. But it was done with his
consent, and not in a way that would leave him scarred, physically or mentally,
after that day was done. At least if she'd done it all correctly. By the time
he was back home, he would, hopefully, just think it a new game that she and
Marvin had played with him. A punishment, but only the naughty kind that lovers
and friends might arrange.
With Tor...
She'd taken a sweet and innocent boy and damaged him for years .
The story of
Doretta was a simple enough one. A woman of good standing had scorned a common
man, only to find years later that he rose in power and came back for
vengeance. Her power had grown too, but not enough to protect either her or her
people from the rage that she'd created.
It was one of
the first stories her nanny had told her. There was no way for her to claim
that she hadn't understood the reasoning either, since it had been covered in
classes. At school, and with her private tutors before that.
No, she was a
Doretta, and the very next time she'd encountered Tor, he'd grown from a
young looking, very lovely, boy she'd encountered that one day and abused, into
a powerful Wizard. It had only been a few years time, too. He was so strong
that when Marvin had been goaded into a combat rage, along with Prince
Alphonse, the tiny, very common, looking man had simply stood between them, and
refused to let them fight.
No one did
that. More to the point, no one tried it, because anyone who did, died .
Except for the Wizard Tor. He simply held out his hands and refused to let them
harm one another.
Then, weeks
later, it turned out that he was a Countier, and had been the whole time.
Refusing to attack her even though he could have, because he was that good of a person. Countier Lairdgren, having been in his own county when she’d
mis-stepped like she had. He could have ordered her dead for it at the time,
and even her own family would have been hard pressed to take him to task for
it. Instead, he let it all go, as far as she was concerned.
It was worse,
in a way than if he'd tried to kill her for what she'd said to him. Then she
might have at least pointed at his actions and been able to say that his
beastly nature was what had driven her that day. Instead, he first saved her county
from a foolish war, and then, when she'd been taken prisoner by seven Larval
Assassins, all of them much larger and stronger than he was, and faster than a
human rightly should be... He accepted a duel with all of them, in order to let
her escape.
Seven super
human men, and at that they required him to face them naked, unarmed and with
no magics at all.
She hadn't seen
the battle, but her friend Patricia had told her of it. How he'd made the world
explode around him, nearly dying in that act of magic, and then battled, deaf
and blind, against the remaining killers. Until he won .
To save her .
The bitch of a Doretta that had left him feeling like he wasn't good enough to
be loved by anyone, for years.
Honestly, he
should have let her die there, and simply