Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1)

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Book: Read Countess of Desire (The Young Ancients Erotic Moments Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: P.S. Power
    Debbie, being a
complete sweetheart, had come simply to make sure they were doing all
right. Her shop had been doing brisk business, since Tor had made a point of
sending her things to sell in her shop. Magical items the likes of which could
only rarely be found outside of Harmony now. They were friends however, so even
though the Wizard lived on one of the special stations that circled Mars, a
different world altogether, he made a point of seeing that his friend was well
provided for.
    The idea made
Maria want to cry, actually.
    Not in a
pleasant way either. The man was darling . He always had been too. Sweet,
kind, gentle and brave. So attractive that anyone sane would have bed him, even
before he'd gotten his growth and become clearly one of the high nobility. When
she'd known him, he'd been small still. Tiny really. Delicate and pale of skin.
So fair that he would have shone in the moonlight.
    So, when he'd
asked her out one time in school, what had she done? Accepted like any
reasonable girl would have, and spent the night of the party servicing him so
well that he'd want to do it again? No... She'd thought that he'd been set on
her by his roommate, Prince Alphonse, meant as a distraction. A way of telling
her she wasn't fine enough to be Queen someday.
    Yes, she'd been
stupid to think that sleeping with the tall redheaded boy a few times would be
enough to win his heart. He was a Prince after all, and well enough looking,
even if he were hiding his identity at the school. She'd been young though, and
had honestly believed that her looks and skill in bed would be enough to win
him over. Men liked sex, as a rule, so why shouldn't it? To her fourteen year
old mind it had simply made sense, way back then.
    So, rather than
simply feel a bit sad that she was being put off, and grabbing the proffered
replacement that he'd set at her, she...
    Well, it was
the worst thing she'd ever done that didn't involve actual violence, wasn't it?
    Maria, being
youthful and stupid, screamed at the very pretty boy as he rather cutely
asked her to one of the student dances. It had been done so properly the whole
thing practically screamed that he was being put forth as a replacement for the
heir. It had been incredibly rude of her, bad enough that several other older
girls pulled her from the dining room after she'd thrown his very nice flower
arrangement in his face.
    Then they'd beaten her enough that she couldn't stand for several hours after.
Worse, each of the three had been huge girls, muscular and well trained in
fighting, unlike her. She'd had the basic tutoring, but wasn't slated for that
kind of thing at all. These three had known what they were doing at the time,
and harmed her just enough, in exactly the right ways, so that no one would
back her in any kind of claim against them. Not short of a duel.
    Which of
course, any of them would have won against her. Easily.
    They'd been
careful not to damage her face beyond simple bruising, and left her major bones
    To add salt to
the whole mess, each of them outranked her, too. She was the third daughter of
a Baron. The other girls were all Conserinas. Karen Derring, Holly Printer, and
Petra Ward. All of them were beyond her reach now too, for different reasons.
Holly was a Countess, and her lands bordered Ward on the north side. Petra
wasn't just Marvin's sister, but he actually liked her. Not that Maria
couldn't see why now , years later, but back then it had been pretty hard
for her to deal with. She'd rather pushed him not to be too kind to the girl
over her pride being hurt about the beating she'd received.
    The worst one
though was Karen. Oh, she was a Conserina First now, meaning she stood in line
to inherit an entire county, but that hardly mattered compared to the rest of
it. The woman had managed to become immortal . An Ancient. As if to
personally spite her, the Wizard Timon had also made the fairly plain and boxy
looking girl incredibly lovely when he'd

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