Counterfeit Bride

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Book: Read Counterfeit Bride for Free Online
Authors: Sara Craven
tenderly protective towards her.
    Some musicians had appeared and were moving among the tables, playing guitars and singing. Nicola recognised the tune they were playing. It was a love song, which had been popular in Mexico City only a few weeks earlier, and she began to hum it softly under her breath. The musicians were approaching their table. They had clearly noticed her enjoyment and were coming to continue the serenade just for her. The leader was smiling broadly and looking at her companion, then Nicola noticed his expression change. She sent a swift glance at Ramon and saw that his face had become a dark mask. His fingers made a swift imperious movement, and the mariachi band turned away, and serenaded someone else.
    She drank her wine, trying to hide her disappointment. A private flirtation conducted in the car was one thing, and a public serenade quite another, apparently.
    Pushing back her chair, she said coolly, 'The journey has tired me. I think I will go to my room. Goodnight, señor.'
    There was faint mockery in his eyes as he rose courteously. 'Of course, Buenas noches, Teresita.' There was a brief hesitation before he used her name, as if to emphasise his rejection of her own formality.
    She walked away, wondering in spite of herself why he had not offered to see her to her cabin. Perhaps he had decided that it was wiser to call a halt after all, to treat her with appropriate reserve. Probably that was why he had sent away the mariachi musicians.
    She undressed slowly, and lay for a long time in the dark, tired, but unable to sleep. It was a relief to know that she had to disappear when they reached Monterrey. It was also a warning not to relax, or forget even for a moment what she was doing on this journey. Playing a part, she thought, and playing for time. Nothing else. And it's just as well that I'm committed to vanish completely in a couple of days.
    She breakfasted in her room early the following morning, enjoying the sweet rolls and strongly flavoured coffee a maid brought her. Then she dressed and made up with care and went to find Ramon. She found him in the main reception area, just coming out of one of the private telephone booths.
    He said coolly, 'Thank you for being so punctual. We have a long and tedious drive ahead of us. I hope you will not be too bored. Was it explained to you that I had business calls to make on the way?'
    'Yes.' She was puzzled by this sudden aloofness.
    He gave her a swift sideways glance. 'I have been speaking to my cousin. I have a message for you from Don Luis.'
    Her heart gave a little panicky jerk. She said, 'Is that so?'
    'Don't you want to hear it?'
    'No,' she said, 'I do not. If your cousin has anything to say to me, then it can be said when we meet, and not relayed through a third person.'
    He said evenly, 'As you wish, señorita,' but she saw a muscle flicker in his cheek, and guessed he was annoyed.
    This time the journey was very different from that of the previous day. He sat in the back beside her, but there was a briefcase with him and his attention seemed riveted on the papers it contained. There was a distance between them that wasn't purely physical, and today she didn't even need to use her shoulder bag as a barricade.
    She sat and stared out of the window at the purple and grey shades of the sierras in the distance. This was a region of Mexico she hadn't expected to see, and normally she would have been fascinated by the changing scenery, the unrolling fertile farmlands they were passing through, but she was unable to summon much interest at all.
    Nicola bit her lip. She was altogether too distracted by the presence of her fellow-passenger, and while that might have been forgivable the day before when he had apparently been deliberately making her aware of him, there was no excuse at all today when he was doing quite the opposite.
    Clearly the conversation with Don Luis had reminded him of his obligations and responsibilities, she thought.
    They made

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