which is exactly how it
does feel. My chin rests on top of her head and I get a hit
of her shampoo – rosemary and mint – and have to stop
myself from burying my face in it and inhaling another
lungful. An idea crystallizes in my head at that point, one
that makes me grin in the darkness and say another
prayer of thanks to the gods of baseball. It’s reckless and
probably crazy as ideas go, and I’m not sure Jessa is going
to buy it, but here’s hoping.
‘Does your dad ever check on you when he goes to
bed?’ I ask her.
Jessa shakes her head at me, looking confused.
‘Your mom?’
‘She’s already asleep,’ Jessa whispers, still looking
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Mila Gray
The grin widens on my face. ‘OK,’ I say, trying to rein it
in. ‘I got a plan.’
Jessa waits.
‘Come with me. Let’s spend the night together.’
Jessa’s mouth instantly falls open. She takes a step
backwards, slipping out of my arms.
‘No, I don’t mean like that,’ I whisper, suddenly flus-
tered. Crap. She took that entirely the wrong way. ‘I
mean, let’s go for a drive, hang out, talk .’ Man. I blew it.
She’s looking at me now with both eyebrows raised, arms
crossed defensively against her chest.
‘Look,’ I add, hoping my charming smile will win her
around as it has other girls in the past, and then simulta-
neously hating myself for even trying to win her around,
because Jessa isn’t like other girls and this isn’t a game.
For the first time in my life this feels real. Not something
I’m playing at. I’m nervous, something I don’t usually
feel when it comes to girls. I don’t want to screw it up.
Again, not something I usually worry about.
‘You can’t get back inside,’ I say, reaching for Jessa’s
hand. A frown passes across her face as swift as lightning,
but lingering. ‘Come on,’ I say, hoping I don’t sound too
desperate but finding my throat dry as sand, praying
silently that she’ll say yes because suddenly a whole lot
more than just a night seems to rest on her answer. ‘It’ll
be fun. I promise.’
She doesn’t pull her hand from mine, which I take as a
good sign. She just stands there, studying me, biting her
lip. She looks at the house. When she turns back to me the
frown has vanished, replaced by a small, shy smile which
plays at the edge of her mouth. Those lips, man . . . I tug
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her towards me, take her face in my hands, and because I
can’t stop myself, I kiss her, just gently, savouring every
single second. She kisses me back, her body swaying
against mine, pressing closer. God, this girl . . .
‘OK,’ she whispers against my lips just before I lose my
train of thought completely.
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Kit pulls back, his arms still around my waist.
‘Really?’ he asks.
I swallow, my heart slamming fast against my ribs,
then nod.
Even though it’s dark I can see his smile lighting up his
face. Then he takes my hand and links his fingers tightly
through mine, and just this simple action makes my heart
expand in my chest like a balloon about to burst because
it feels so natural, so normal and so right. It feels like Kit
could lead me anywhere right now, and I’d simply follow,
which, given I’m not one for spontaneity or risk-taking,
freaks me out.
Kit tugs me through the bushes towards the gate at
the side of the house. He’s stealthy and silent, while even
barefoot I seem to be making enough noise to alert the
whole of Oceanside, including the people buried in the
cemetery. My ears are pricked and I keep my eyes locked
on the back door, anxious that my dad might come back
to investigate, this time with his gun, but I’m even more
nervous about what’s about to come next with Kit.
Where’s he going to take me? What are we going to do?
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy