Coffee & Crime

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Book: Read Coffee & Crime for Free Online
Authors: Anita Rodgers
tea bags and lemons. You can handle all that, right?"
    Zelda slammed her notebook shut and jammed it into her pocket. "You can't play the sympathy card forever."
    "I think the card is good for a little while longer — after all, I wasn't the one driving."
    She glared at me and huffed but had no come back.
    "For once quit complaining and go get the stuff. If we finish the side work now, we can bolt as soon as we close."
    Zelda sighed and got up. "The things I do for you."
    The front door whooshed open and I turned, hoping for a last minute big tipper. But it was just Daniels and Davis shuffling to their regular booth in the back. I grabbed coffee mugs and the coffee pot and headed over. "You got stuck with the night shift too?" I asked pouring the coffees.
    Davis grunted and Daniels poured half a pitcher of cream into his coffee. "I'm in the mood for something sweet."
    "Sounds like you need apple pie a la mode with chocolate ice cream."
    Daniels slurped his coffee, then added sugar. "Yes, that's exactly right, Scotti my dear. That's precisely what I need. And bring a brownie for Davis while you're at it."
    Davis looked up from her coffee. "I don't want a brownie."
    "Sure you do," Daniels said.
    "No, I don't," Davis snapped.
    "They're home-made, uber-delicious and baked by the tender hands of the young lady standing before you. How can you say no to that?"
    "I don't want one." She looked at me. "No brownie, thank you."
    "Okay then, one apple pie a la mode coming up." I scooted away and left them bickering at the table.
    Zelda trudged out to the dining room, with coffee filters, tea bags, and lemons balanced on a cutting board. She put the board down on the counter with a thud. "Now can I sit down?"
    I pulled Daniels' apple pie out of the microwave and scooped a big glob of chocolate ice cream on top of it. "Oh, I have customers. Can you start cutting lemon wedges?"
    Zelda scanned the dining room and spotted the cops. "Customers? You mean Daniels and Davis? They'd sit there all night yammering whether you brought them anything or not."
    I danced past Zelda. "Yeah, but tonight they want to eat so get to it girl."
    I didn't look back but I felt Zelda scowling at me.
    I set the pie in front of Daniels with a flourish. "Ta-da!"
    Daniels' eyes gleamed and he rubbed his hands together like Midas looking at his bank statement. "Over the teeth and through the gums, look out stomach here it comes!"
    I lingered so I could avoid the side work. "You want anything else?"
    "Keep the coffee coming," Davis murmured.
    Zelda appeared with the coffee pot and topped off their mugs. “So, what's happening?”
    Daniels mumbled around a mouthful of pie a la mode.
    Davis said, "Nothing."
    Zelda put the coffee pot on the table and plopped down next to Daniels. "Okay, let me be blunt — what's the story with George?"
    Daniels jammed himself into the corner of the booth to accommodate Zelda. "Hey, help yourself, have a seat." He held out the fork to her. "Would you like a bite of pie?"
    "Yeah," I said. "We've been waiting for you guys to come in and give us the scoop. What happened to George and why aren't you going to investigate?"
    Daniels put down his fork and dabbed his lips with a paper napkin. "Investigate what? It was an accident."
    Zelda pounced on that. "So, it's officially an accident?" She raised her eyebrow at me.
    Davis shook her head and glared at Daniels. "Nobody said that. Nobody said what is and isn't official."
    Zelda nodded. "That's right. And it's what you're not saying that's bugging me…us."
    Daniels pushed his pie away and belched. "Ladies, ladies you're killing my sugar buzz with all this bickering." He looked around the table waiting for a chuckle but there were no takers. He shrugged at his partner and said, "Yes, it's officially an accident."
    "But I thought you had to have an autopsy

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