
Read Click for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Click for Free Online
Authors: Tymber Dalton
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
ex was worm food.
    Sully lay in the middle. He reached to either side of him and found Brant and Clarisse’s hands. “Love you, guys.”
    “Love you, too, Master,” they echoed in unison, setting off giggles in Clarisse and laughter in Mac.
    “Stereo,” Sully said. “Ahh, gotta love it.”
    * * * *
    Mac loved the feel of the sun against his naked body. A nearly perfect day, the two people he loved, a quiet boat, and a calm Gulf.
    He’d dozed off when Sully squeezed his hand, waking him. “Ready to head in, Brant?”
    Mac lifted his head, feeling a little groggy. “How long’s it been?”
    “It’s nearly three.”
    “Holy crap.” He sat up. Clarisse was already up and dressed. Sully was standing, leaning over, a pair of shorts on. “How long was I asleep?”
    “Over an hour.”
    He rolled over and climbed to his feet, stretching. “Wow. I’m surprised I’m not charbroiled.”
    Clarisse held up a can of spray suntan lotion. “Got ya covered, Sir.”
    “Ah. Smart pet.”
    “I try.”
    They ate their lunch of sandwiches before Clarisse shut off the genny and cranked the engines. Mac made his way forward to the bow to make sure the anchor windlass coiled properly. Clarisse bumped the throttle just enough to put a little slack in the line as it started coiling.
    Once the anchor was stowed and Mac had made his way back to the wheelhouse, Clarisse punched in their return course and got them turned around.
    “This was a nice day,” Mac said. “We should do this more often.”
    “Hey,” Sully teased. “I asked you if you wanted to keep doing boat rules.”
    “I don’t just mean that,” Mac said. “I mean this. Together. This is nice.”
    “Yeah, and once the boys are old enough to come out with us, that’ll effectively end the era of boat rules.”
    Mac sighed. “I know.” He wrapped his arms around Sully from behind and rested his chin on Sully’s shoulder. “We’ll have to get more creative the older they get.”
    Clarisse giggled. “They’re already creative. They’re going to be a handful when they’re older, if they’re anything like their fathers.” She cast a loving gaze at them from where she sat behind the wheel. She knew this boat even better than Mac did, having first practically grown up on it with her uncle and aunt, and then supervising the later refits to it to turn it into a fish-and-dive charter boat instead of a commercial fishing vessel.
    “You mean more of a handful than they already are?” Sully asked. “Maybe I should book more out-of-town speaking engagements,” he teased.
    She leveled a finger at him. “Don’t you dare. Master,” she quickly added. “I need all the help I can get with those two.”
    “You know I’m just teasing, pet.” He patted Mac’s hands and turned in his embrace. “But I do think I know someone who might be in need of a quick paddling before we get too close to shore.”
    Mac let out a happy sigh. “Yes, Master.” He headed for the hatch to go below decks. They couldn’t do much impact play at the house with the boys there for fear of them hearing. Two inquisitive toddlers were not conducive to loud play.
    Behind him, he heard Sully kiss Clarisse. “We’ll be back up in a few.”
    “Take your time, boys,” she said. “We’ll be at least ninety minutes before we reach the dock.”
    Mac had already stripped and leaned over the galley table between the booth seats.
    “Just what I wanted to see,” Sully said, grabbing Mac’s ass cheeks and squeezing, hard.
    Mac’s head dropped, his eyes falling closed. Around them the low throb of the diesel engines and the sound of water against the hull helped drown out his pounding pulse.
    Sully grabbed the back of Mac’s collar with his left hand and laid the cool wood of the paddle against his ass cheeks. “Sorry this will be quick and hard, slave,” Sully said. “Next week we’ll get a couple of hours while Clarisse takes the boys to visit Tad.”

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