Classic Love: 7 Vintage Romances

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Book: Read Classic Love: 7 Vintage Romances for Free Online
Authors: Dorothy Fletcher
    She wondered what he was like now, at twenty-one. Worriedly, she realized it wouldn’t be the easiest thing in the world to find a low-rent apartment in a safe neighborhood. She would have to begin combing the real estate ads right away. But it was a delightful assignment, something to look forward to.
    She dashed off an answering letter. She would meet Rodney’s flight, of course, and they had a spare room for him for as long as he needed it. “It will be such a pleasure,” she effused. “Such an unexpected pleasure and Carl, as you may-imagine, will feel the same way, as will Bruce and Nancy.”
    She sealed the envelope and, dressing, went out and mailed it, then bused down to Bloomingdale’s to see what goodies she could spot for the apartment-to-be of Peggy’s son. Modern, certainly. In all the British films she saw there was a heavy emphasis on what was called industrial modern, with a lot of Beylerian imports and chrome-framed posters. Knock-down furniture — it came cheap and was suited to a short-term “adventure.” Too bad Nancy was only fifteen, otherwise she’d have a hand-picked date. But at twenty-one, Rodney would probably consider her beneath his notice. It was she herself who, in the end, would benefit most from Rodney’s sojourn in this country. It would be an adventure for her too, and the sofa in the study was a daybed, so that he would have all the comforts of home until she got him settled.
    • • •
    They met on the lower level at Kennedy, he with an enormous suitcase plus a rucksack across his back. She had recognized him from the gallery, after dismissing one or two other young men who somehow didn’t look British, though she was a bit tentative in her greeting, not absolutely sure. “Rodney?” she hazarded, walking up to him.
    “Mrs. Jennings?” Then he laughed. “I don’t know why the question mark in my voice, because I knew you right away. Well, here’s the nuisance arrived at your doorstep. I must say you put a good face on it, because that smile looks genuine.”
    “It is, it is! Hello, Rodney dear. It’s
to see you …”
    He sighed. “You
a brick.” Then he put his arms around her and hugged her. “So,” he said, when they let each other go. “How are you? I haven’t even asked.”
    “I’m fine, Carl’s fine, everyone’s fine.”
    “Good. I’ll be happy to see Mr. Jennings again too.”
    “Why don’t you call us Carl and Christine? You’re going to be part of the family for a while and there’s no reason to be formal. You’re a big boy now. Come, we’ll find a porter and get your stuff in a cab. You must be tired after your trip. Was it a good flight?”
    “Yes, splendid. It’s really okay if I stay at your house until I’m shored up in a flat? My mother said I was not to be a bother.”
    “We wouldn’t hear of anything else. We have a study that’s scarcely ever used, with a very good sofa sleeper and you’ll have your privacy. A bath to yourself, though for showers you’ll have to share with Bruce. My son. Rodney, you’ve grown so tall!”
    “Douglas is catching up to me.”
    “How is Douglas?”
    “A pain in the you know what, younger brothers always are. No, seriously, he’s okay. A bit full of himself, quite the
grand seigneur
    Again the laugh, the hand reaching up to toss back the shock of fair hair, the display of excellent white teeth. Christine hid a smile of her own. Saying his brother was full of himself! But she loved his youthful assurance. Why shouldn’t he be egotistic? Youth was the time for that.
    “We’re going to have a marvelous time,” she assured him in the cab. “I’ve all sorts of things planned. Also I’ve started looking in the paper for apartments. So far nothing much, but we’ll find something just right. You won’t mind if I help you fix it up?”
    “You’d do that?”
    “You may regret it. Possibly I’ll get in your hair, be bossy, and … Rodney?”
    “Yes, Mrs. — ” The

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