Circus Escape

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Book: Read Circus Escape for Free Online
Authors: Lilliana Rose
Tags: F/F romance, sci-fi
beauty and that's all because of you."
    "I want it to be perfect." She wiped her hands on a cloth he held out.
    "Not in this business. That's what you tell me." He held out a bottle of water for her.
    She resisted the urge to hit him and took the bottle. "Yeah, but ya don't have to tell me back."
    "Sorry, ma'am."
    "Have we been given the go ahead?"
    "In five."
    "Right." She drank half the water and handed the bottle back. Joy wanted to get out and get fighting. Get the fight over with Beli Beetle so she could be one step closer to giving Kris a little scare. Kris might have to win, but I have a few tricks to rock her world .
    Joy got back into the Operating seat, strapped herself in and got ready. Not long now . She put the communicator back in her ear.
    "Start walking out, Joy," said Jim.
    Joy moved Sally forward. Tons of metal vibrated power and strength with each step and thundered into Joy's muscles as if the two of them were joined.
    "Let's make this one quick, shall we?" Joy said.
    "In your freakin' dreams," answered Daisy.
    The gate opened slowly, letting in the bright lights of the arena. Sally scurried out. Joy was ready. "Oh, I'm not dreaming today, so you better wake up."
    The two mecha insects faced off in the centre.
    Joy swiped her front legs forward and cut off Beli's feelers.
    "Oi, leave my machine in one piece."
    "Afraid of a little fight, are we?" Joy scurried to the side to avoid the beetle's charge. It smashed into the wall behind them, causing the crowd above to scream and the rest of the audience to holler with excitement.
    "Bring it on, Daisy. Bring it on. This one's mine."
    "Only because I say so. Stop doing so much damage to Beli," yelled Jim.
    His voice caused Joy's blood to boil. No pleasing him . "Can't help it."
    "You can. Now win without giving me a large reconstruction debt."
    "Sure thing, boss," said Joy. She was going to enjoy this fight and the next. Repairs were to be expected. If she had to put up with a fixed fight, then she was going to have some fun and flex Sally's ability.
    Sally and Beli faced off against each other again. "Ready, Daisy?"
    Joy went forward to finish off the beetle.
    After enduring a series of fights between old mechas, Nessie hadn't lost any of her enthusiasm for wanting to see Sally in action. And Joy too. If anything, she was almost bursting for Sally to come back out into the arena.
    Nessie had every faith Joy would win, as represented by the piece of paper in her purse.
    Come on. It must be time now . Nessie had watched as Sally Spider crushed Beli Beetle. The fight had only been a starter, and she wanted the main meal. She fidgeted in her seat.
    "Come on," yelled the man next to her. The mecha emu had come out on the stage again, but this time it was met with booing and rude comments that made Nessie's ears burn. A few empty cans had been hurled at the mecha. Security had come out in force, but that hadn't made a difference. People wanted the fight. Now.
    "Bring out the real machines," yelled a woman nearby.
    Nessie leant forward and gripped the metal railing. She agreed with them.
    "Bring out Sally," she screamed with a force that she hadn't even known existed inside of her. Realizing she'd just behaved like a lout, she went to apologise, but no one paid her any attention and were chanting Sally's name.
    "Sally, Sally, Sally." On the offbeat some yelled "Cate." The emu hissed and flapped his wings, looking rather lost in the arena and then ran out. People cheered. The real fight was about to start.
    "For the main fight of the night."
    Nessie could barely hear the voice through the speaker. Her ears were ringing from all the noise of people shouting around her.
    "Sally Spider."
    Nessie held her breath as Sally scurried into the arena. She looked fresh. Beli barely scratched her. Cate won't get much of a chance either . She tightened her grip on the railing, steadying herself as Sally marched past. Nessie blew a kiss to Sally and Joy. Good luck, ladies

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