Chosen:  Book 1 in the Ancients of Light series
remembered praying that she too would die just as the vial was
tipped to her lips and she had fallen into darkness.
    God had apparently not
been in the mood to grant her prayers that night. She had gained
consciousness rather quickly, too quickly for a normal transition.
Kaitriana had known that much of the Vampire species. The evil ones
had still been cackling about the death of the two witches,
Myrrdyn’s own daughter even. They had further speculated on their
anticipated rewards for that and for bringing the girl to Rhydach,
whether dead transitioned.
    Her mind had been aware
enough to hear the mention of the vial and reference to it
containing Lorcan’s blood. They had idly discussed whether the
blood of the Warrior of Light would be strong enough to illicit the
transition of a witch. Rhydach’s ancient blood had shown no success
and Lorcan was the only one of the Witch species to have ever
survived a transition to Vampire. She remembered numbly having been
thankful that it was not the taste of the blood of the Ancient Dark
lord that lingered in her mouth but that of her Warrior
    Kaitriana had sensed at
that time, the same time that she had gained a scent of him,
Myrrdyn’s presence. Her head had buzzed at that…should she be able
to scent him? Simultaneously her lids had opened a slit. She had
realized to her shock that her captors were distanced from her, on
the far side of the encampment, but she had been able to hear their
musings as if she had stood within the circle of conversation with
them. Finally, she had caught the smell of her parents’ blood and
that had brought forth the need to retch. It also had raised a fury
in her that she had had no hope of controlling.
    Even as she had seen
Myrrdyn move within the line of sight of the Darks, a confrontation
imminent as he had taken in the fallen bodies of his kin, she had
been struggling to gain her feet. Her head spun but she had finally
mustered through her disorientation to gain full ground. With their
attention focused solely on the threat presented by Myrrdyn and
knowing they could not shadow away without their prize, the Darks
had prepared to engage the Sorcerer of Light. They had not seen the
danger that had loomed behind all until it had been too
    The smaller, the one that
had struck the death blow to her parents, had spied her movement
before the others. His face had become ghastly pale as he had
muttered, “Impossible.” Myrrdyn and the elder Dark had turned in
time to see her clench her fist and raise it towards the killer. He
had attempted to shadow, caring then more to save his own neck than
for Rhydach’s wrath, but he had come up short. The wind had begun
to gust and lightning streaked wild patterns in the sky. A small
smile had touched her lips as she had whispered, “No no no.”
Myrrdyn assumed she had bound the vampires’ abilities. It was no
easy task for any witch but she had exerted no visible
    Indicative of a Vampire
rage, her eyes had blackened, but eerily glowing rings of blue had
edged them. Standing still, Kaitriana had elicited a scream of
anguish from the vampire with only a slight twitch of her head. A
second later his head had torn loose and rolled to the ground. With
the skin of each hand encased entirely in blue light, her gaze had
fixated on the second.
    Myrrdyn had stepped into
the path of her vision, instructing her that he would have use of
the other Dark and commanding her to cease. The rage that had been
surging within her and the power that it unleashed would not allow
her to obey his order. Myrrdyn had grimaced as he heard the pops
and crackling of bones snapping within the vampire. The Sorcerer
had then taken her down himself.
    Kaitriana had had no
defense against the power of his magic; her own had been focused
solely on driving pain through the evil creature.

    Her tears had ceased along with the trembling
of her hands when she broke from her reverie of that night so long

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