Choosing Riley: Sarafin Warriors Book 1
your idea of bathroom accommodations is horrid, and
breakfast hasn’t even been mentioned! How do you expect my poor,
sweet, fragile mates to survive if you don’t feed them? I want the
name, number and address to your corporate headquarters. They are
going to hear from me! Why, look at my poor baby. Fred sweetheart,
are you okay? You are definitely looking a little green around the
gills,” Riley said, pulling the struggling Tiliqua closer to her
and petting one of his heads affectionately.
    Vox grind his teeth together as he watched
her gently stroking Fred. “He is supposed to be that color and
Tiliqua’s don’t have gills,” he bit out, feeling jealous of the
attention she was giving the little two-headed reptilian Pactor
    Riley rolled her eyes at Vox’s tone, put her
hand on her hip, and pointed an accusing finger at him. “You see
that?” She demanded of the lead guard. “He is just a grouchy bear!
He needs to be fed. How do you expect me to keep him happy if he is
hungry? I want a full breakfast immediately for my mates.”
    Antrox 157 snarled at Riley. He had been sent
by 785. It was his job to guard the Sarafin royal and his men until
they received the credits promised for disposing of him. 157 had no
problems following orders from his superior but he was having
problems with dealing with the bossy female who had started in on
him the moment he had arrived. She was making all kinds of demands.
He had been shocked to find additional supplies had been given to
her yesterday by some of the newer guards. Unlike most Antrox, he
did not always follow the rules governed by his people. That was
why 785 gave him this position. It afforded him extra credits.
    “Silence female,” 157 said coldly. “You will
keep your mates happy. I only have to keep one of them alive. If
you are not silent, I will feed one of your mates each hour to a
    “Well!” Riley growled back. “Somebody woke up
with a stick up their ass this morning. You touch one slimy little
green nail on one of my boys and I’ll rip it off and feed it to the
Pactor with the rest of you. No one messes with my boys but me, got
    157 looked shocked for a moment before his
face became passive. He took a step closer to Riley, trying to
crowd her. “One more word and I’ll silence you.”
    “I’d like to see you try, you overgrown piece
of cow paddy,” Riley snapped back in a temper.
    Vox decided it would be in everyone’s best
interest if he silence his mate before she got them all killed. He
stepped up behind her as she opened her mouth to say something
else. Wrapping his large hands around her waist, he almost groaned
out loud at the feel of her soft curves under his palms. Instead,
he picked her up ignoring her squeal of indignation and turned
until she was in front of him with her back pressed against his
    “I think we will survive without anything to
eat for a little longer,” he said quietly in her ear. “I would like
to keep us alive for a little longer, my fierce tiger. We do
appreciate your concern for us, though,” he added hastily when she
opened her mouth to protest.
    “So help me, if that pile of walking sticks
pisses me off or messes with one of you I’ll plant my foot up his
ass so far it will be coming out of his mouth,” she growled,
throwing a heated look at the Antrox guard over her shoulder. “You
let me at him. I’ll show him one more word!”
    Vox could hear Tor and Lodar fighting to hold
in their laughter as he fought to keep her from turning back and
attacking their guards. He shook his head in exasperation. He and
his men towered over the female, were known to be one of the
fiercest species in the ten known galaxies and she was ready to
kick the asses of their guards because they had not been fed when
she wanted them to be fed.
    “Come, let us get to work so we can eat
soon,” Vox muttered.
    Riley twisted her hair back up into the
ponytail where it had fallen loose again when she

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