Contributions were poured in by oxcarts.
After years of accumulation, this crafty monk had massed abundant wealth. His
prosperity gradually allured greedy eyes, shallow characters, and outlaws. One night,
breaking in the temple, some burglars tightened them up. After suffering hours of torture,
they divulged the hideouts of their valuable. Those intruders ruthlessly butchered them and
hauled all their treasure away. Local authority was astonished and baffled. How could
malicious villains dare to approach, affront, or even, exterminate the "living Buddha?" With
alacrity, they dispatched their most capable marshals to call on that temple and investigate
this enigmatic tragedy. Without much difficulty, they surprisingly discovered many unlawful
possessions, which included unusually large quantity of sulfur and Buddha costumes
exclusively for theater use. They then comprehended the real truth behind all those
sensations. Those monks were too cunning and unscrupulous to escape the Almighty's
ultimate punishment.
A judge was taking an after-lunch nap. In his dream, he observed and recognized one
of his colleagues, whom had been charged with serious offenses, sentenced by this judge
to death, and was executed.
"Why are you coming back to me," The judge asked with surprise, "Have you been falsely
"No, as a judge myself, having embezzlement and racketeer, I should die without any
mercy, according to the law."
"Then, why do you call on me?" The judge curiously inquired.
"I have something needed to straight out with you." The ghost calmly answered.
"Why me?" the judge fearlessly defended, "There were seven or eight judges cooperatively
examining your case. Most of them are your intimate friends. There are at least two
colleagues, whom you should look for. Why do you pick on me alone?"
"Don't be cheeky. You know perfectly well what I am coming for. As judges, our cordial
relationship was merely for appearance reason. It is bogus. Privately, we resented each
other," The ghost explained peacefully, "However, that is due to our ambitions to advance
ourselves in the narrow and competitive social ladder. When I was in the court, you
deliberately ignored me. That I could understand. However, your face was full of withheld
delight. After I was sentenced, you came to visit me out of false kindness. You pretended to
console me but your undertone of sarcasm deeply humiliated me. You are both cruel and
narrow-minded. Under that difficult circumstance, that was the worst thing you could do to a
human being. How can I ever forget and forgive you?"
"Then," Frightened, the judge stammered, "What do you want to do with me? Please, don't
hurt me."
"How can I avenge you?" The ghost beamed a bitter sneer and replied, with dejection, "By
my own misbehavior, I was died under the law, not by you. However, your ill-attitude and
cruel heart will eventually cost you dearly. The Almighty will penalize you for that." He was
suddenly awakened. The tea on his bedside table was still warm.
"Alas!" The judge sighed and murmured, "I didn't frame him; Otherwise, I will be damned
for sure."
Intention has the paramount importance in judging one's deeds. One can cheat a person
but can't trick the Almighty. The crook will be judged for his accumulated misconducts and
treated accordingly in the eternal underworld.
My servant Wai used to have many bad habits. In his youth, outside of his village, he
noticed an attractive young lady whom he seemingly recognized but couldn't recall her
name. Without hesitation, he boldly approached and made a casual conversation with her.
Using lewd words and obscene gestures, he intended to allure the female to sleep with him.
Without showing any resistance, the young lady slightly lowered her head, was silent,
winked at him, and departed. In disbelief of his good luck and with fascination, he glanced
at her well-shaped back. Walking away slowly, she suddenly turned around and smiled
J. K. Drew, Alexandra Swan