CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All

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Book: Read CheckMate 4: Winner Takes All for Free Online
Authors: Tiece
Tags: United States, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Genre Fiction, Urban, African American
other.” She said almost wanting to laugh.
    Brendon grinned to himself. “Yep, I can agree with that too.”
    “I like our touchy feely friendship,” she added with a smile.
    “Un-huh, I actually do too.” He agreed while also smiling.
    “You silly,” she teased already knowing that he’d go along with it.
    “So where does that leave you and Monty?” Brendon questioned.
    “Honestly, I don’t know. I can’t call it. I sent him a text message and told him that we needed to talk, however he hasn’t responded yet.”
    “He’s probably still upset. Right now he might not know what to think.”
    “You’re right, but that’s why I want to talk to him.”
    Brendon sat quiet for a moment then he thought he should fill her in on some other things. “Well, Aunt Cat was the one that brought me back to the hotel to pick up my things and I told her.”
    Candy’s eyes widened. “Told her what?”
    “I told her about us.” He confessed.
    “You did what? Why’d you do that?” Candy asked now feeling embarrassed.
    “Because that’s my aunt and it hurt her to see me and cuz fighting like that. I had to tell her the truth.” He sincerely responded.
    “And what was the truth?” Candy nervously asked. She admired Catherine. Catherine was like a mother to her and she had so much respect for her.
    “I told her that I liked you. I also told her how we connected in the beginning. So, she knows that we didn’t plan these feelings.”
    Candy cleared her throat. “So, she knows that I have feelings for you?”
    “She knows now. I hope you’re not mad at me about that.”
    Candy sat quietly thinking about it for moment then she finally said, “No, I’m not mad. Just a bit caught off guard, but I guess it’s for the best.” Damn, now I gotta explain this shit to her too, she quickly thought.
    “I wanna see you,” he said feeling like he missed her.
    “I wanna see you too, but not tonight. I have so many thoughts running through my head and I honestly just need to figure things out on my end. I don’t want to move too fast with you and we both know that can easily happen with the chemistry we share.”
    “You’re right.” Brendon disappointedly said. He was somewhat bothered that things had happened the way they had earlier, but maybe it was all for the best. He really did like Candy, but maybe this is what it would take for her to realize who she really wanted to be with.
    “You’re not mad are you?” She asked feeling like the bad guy.
    “Nah,” he said. “I’m good as long as you’re good.”
    “You sure?” she questioned.
    “I’m positive.” He said. “We’ll talk tomorrow. I’m gonna lie down and get some rest.”
    “Yeah, you do that.” Candy said. “Tomorrow it is,” and with that she ended their call.

Chapter 4
    A couple of days had passed and Monty was sitting at his office desk looking out of the window at the downtown traffic. Not only was it Monday, but the start of his week was already fucked up. The thoughts that had transpired days earlier had him walking around in a blur. He was certainly in his feelings so much so that he’d moved into a hotel room just to be alone and get his mind right.
    Candy had sent that one text message and hadn’t messaged him since. He was thinking that maybe he should’ve messaged her back, but what would he say? He was still in awe over her betrayal in seeing his cousin behind his back.
    MiKayla, on the other hand, had been calling and messaging so much that he turned his phone off and hadn’t turned it back on yet. He just wanted her out of his life ASAP. She had pulled a fast one over him and he didn’t even want an explanation. Even if she didn’t know about Chad being back from the dead, he wasn’t in love enough to fight over her. It was sad that it took something this drastic to make him open his eyes and see that

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