Charles Dickens

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Book: Read Charles Dickens for Free Online
Authors: The Cricket on the Hearth
would have dealt in toys one whit less whimsical, while I have a
very great doubt whether they would have been as harmless.
    'So you were out in the rain last night, father, in your beautiful
new great-coat,' said Caleb's daughter.
    'In my beautiful new great-coat,' answered Caleb, glancing towards
a clothes-line in the room, on which the sack-cloth garment
previously described, was carefully hung up to dry.
    'How glad I am you bought it, father!'
    'And of such a tailor, too,' said Caleb. 'Quite a fashionable
tailor. It's too good for me.'
    The Blind Girl rested from her work, and laughed with delight.
    'Too good, father! What can be too good for you?'
    'I'm half-ashamed to wear it though,' said Caleb, watching the
effect of what he said, upon her brightening face; 'upon my word!
When I hear the boys and people say behind me, "Hal-loa! Here's a
swell!" I don't know which way to look. And when the beggar
wouldn't go away last night; and when I said I was a very common
man, said "No, your Honour! Bless your Honour, don't say that!" I
was quite ashamed. I really felt as if I hadn't a right to wear
    Happy Blind Girl! How merry she was, in her exultation!
    'I see you, father,' she said, clasping her hands, 'as plainly, as
if I had the eyes I never want when you are with me. A blue coat—
    'Bright blue,' said Caleb.
    'Yes, yes! Bright blue!' exclaimed the girl, turning up her
radiant face; 'the colour I can just remember in the blessed sky!
You told me it was blue before! A bright blue coat—'
    'Made loose to the figure,' suggested Caleb.
    'Made loose to the figure!' cried the Blind Girl, laughing
heartily; 'and in it, you, dear father, with your merry eye, your
smiling face, your free step, and your dark hair—looking so young
and handsome!'
    'Halloa! Halloa!' said Caleb. 'I shall be vain, presently!'
    'I think you are, already,' cried the Blind Girl, pointing at him,
in her glee. 'I know you, father! Ha, ha, ha! I've found you
out, you see!'
    How different the picture in her mind, from Caleb, as he sat
observing her! She had spoken of his free step. She was right in
that. For years and years, he had never once crossed that
threshold at his own slow pace, but with a footfall counterfeited
for her ear; and never had he, when his heart was heaviest,
forgotten the light tread that was to render hers so cheerful and
    Heaven knows! But I think Caleb's vague bewilderment of manner may
have half originated in his having confused himself about himself
and everything around him, for the love of his Blind Daughter. How
could the little man be otherwise than bewildered, after labouring
for so many years to destroy his own identity, and that of all the
objects that had any bearing on it!
    'There we are,' said Caleb, falling back a pace or two to form the
better judgment of his work; 'as near the real thing as
sixpenn'orth of halfpence is to sixpence. What a pity that the
whole front of the house opens at once! If there was only a
staircase in it, now, and regular doors to the rooms to go in at!
But that's the worst of my calling, I'm always deluding myself, and
swindling myself.'
    'You are speaking quite softly. You are not tired, father?'
    'Tired!' echoed Caleb, with a great burst of animation, 'what
should tire me, Bertha?
was never tired. What does it mean?'
    To give the greater force to his words, he checked himself in an
involuntary imitation of two half-length stretching and yawning
figures on the mantel-shelf, who were represented as in one eternal
state of weariness from the waist upwards; and hummed a fragment of
a song. It was a Bacchanalian song, something about a Sparkling
Bowl. He sang it with an assumption of a Devil-may-care voice,
that made his face a thousand times more meagre and more thoughtful
than ever.
    'What! You're singing, are you?' said Tackleton, putting his head
in at the door. 'Go it!
can't sing.'
    Nobody would have suspected him of it. He hadn't what is generally
termed a singing face,

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