Champions of the Apocalypse

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Book: Read Champions of the Apocalypse for Free Online
Authors: Michael G. Thomas
Tags: Science-Fiction
in the Great Hall.”

    * * *

    The main inhabited part of Haven had for the last forty years, been enclosed by a sturdy wooden palisade. Dotted along its length were a number of watchtowers as well as two main gates leading into the town. Both main gates were shut and protected by large wooden beams, that hung the width of the doors. The fortification had been required due to the increasing numbers of slavers and Raiders that appeared at intermittent periods throughout the year. Twice in the last decade, raiding parties had penetrated into the city and up to the palisade. Though none had ever gone further, it was a good reason why Haven needed such defences.
    The walls would not protect the farms and workshops that lay outside of the main town, however but they did provide a defensive refuge behind which the warriors and citizens could put up a stiff resistance. The most important buildings such as the library, armoury, granary, treasury and the Great Hall were all deep behind the high walls.
    This time however it was late at night and a small group of Raiders had made it deep inside Lord Galan’s lands and were approaching the town. These men were covered from head to toe in long, dark robes that masked their shapes and made them almost impossible to see in the darkness.
    As they reached the palisade, they ducked down into the undergrowth and watched the towers and gate for signs of the ever-present town guards. From their position, it was clear that only one man was present at the gate and another two stood watch at the towers. The taller man in the group gave a signal and each of the men raised a large wood and metal crossbow, each loaded with a wooden dart, tipped with steel. There were eight Raiders and between them, they had more than enough shots to remove the guards. With a flick of his hand, the leader gave the signal. Four of the men pulled the long triggers and released the almost silent bolts. The first two struck the man at the gate, one bolt embedding in the man’s shoulder whilst the second hit him in the centre of the forehead. He disappeared inside the fortified town with a thud. The next two bolts neatly disposed of the two tower guards and the route was now clear.
    The leader moved slowly forward until he had reached the palisade. The wooden barricade was almost twenty feet high but this was no problem for him as he had come prepared. From his bag, he removed a grapple and with three swings hurled it up and over the crest. In seconds he was climbing the wall and at the top. Before he disappeared inside he gave a hand signal to the others waiting at the bottom. They moved into position at the gate, ready to rush inside the minute the door was open.

    * * *

    “I’ve had word from the League that our border operations in the North against the Raiders are achieving great results. Our combined efforts with the Brotherhood have cleared an area of almost thirty miles,” explained Lord Galan.
    His two children and a dozen other warriors were sitting around the long table in the Great Hall. Of the group of warriors most were in their thirties or older and two were woman, all experienced and all veterans of battle with the Raiders. As always, Galan’s mute bodyguard stood nearby, ever vigilant and ever quiet. Each of the warriors wore their armour even though they were in the safety of the Hall. A breastplate and helmet were the basic equipment each warrior had to supply before they could start their training. In four stacks in the Hall, there stood a number of spears, axes and swords, whilst their shields hung on the walls.
    “Ulric, can you provide us with an update?” asked Galan.
    Ulric stood and nodded to Lord Galan.
    “Father,” he said and then turned to the rest of the assembled party.
    “Our current standing force consists of thirty two full-time warriors with another hundred fully trained in the reserves should they ever be needed. We have ten warriors plus forty reserves operating alongside our

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