Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence)

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Book: Read Chained (When Bondage Meets Innocence) for Free Online
Authors: Sabrina Sexton
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, BDSM, Lesbian

Chapter 4
    Krista woke up in the hospital with a blood pressure cuff pressing tightly against her arm. As the cuff released and displayed her blood pressure, the machine started to beep. A nurse walked in and turned it off. Krista stretched like she did ever morning and wiggled in bed. WOW, her whole body ached like she’d been to the gym. Hopefully, Tiffini would understand why she wouldn’t be able to make it to the gym tomorrow for their weekly Sunday session.
    “ No need to worry, honey. We’re taking good care of you,” the nurse said writing down her vitals. Krista asked for a glass of water. She was starting to feel better and looking forward to going home.
    “ When will I be discharged?” she asked. The doctor had explained last night what happened and how. She had never heard of a vagus nerve, so that part she kind of tuned out. She was just really tired and wanted to lie down in her own bed and go back to sleep. It’s no wonder people were always dying in the hospital. The beds sucked.
    “ Probably in about an hour,” the nurse said. “Sylvia has to finish your paperwork and Dr. Gordon will want to come in and have a last look at you. Then you can go home.”
    “ Did he tell my friend he could leave?” Krista asked. “I didn’t want him to be stuck here waiting when there wasn’t anything he could do except watch me sleep.”
    “ Yeah, he told him,” the nurse said. “Mr. McPherson left last night. Is he coming back to take you home?” the nurse asked.
    “ I don’t think so,” Krista replied, “I can just take a cab.”
    “ Alright then,” the nurse said, “we’ll get started processing your paperwork and the doctor will come by in a few minutes.”
    The nurse walked out, leaving Krista alone with her thoughts. Despite the fact that she was lying in a hospital bed, and really sore, she felt great. Her body ached, but she figured that was the price you pay for amazing, mind-blowing sex. She thought back to the night before. Damien was amazing. He pushed her to her limits, no doubt, but she couldn’t deny the extreme pleasures he’d given her.
    Never in a million years had she believed that she would have anal sex, much less with a “stranger” in a night club. Of course he wasn’t a stranger now, at least not technically. She rolled his name around on her tongue. “Lance Damien McPherson,” she said softly to herself. Damien definitely fit him better, what with his devlish good looks and the dark side of his personality.
    She went back over the events of the last few days and was surprised to find that she felt no regret. The way he made her feel, the things she was willing to do when she was with him – it may be that he knew her better than anyone ever had before, better even than herself. He obviously saw some dark potential for passion within her, something she would have denied if anyone had ever asked her before.
    She loved the way he made her feel, but it also terrified her. She didn’t want to be a freak. She didn’t want to crave things that normal people found depraved and twisted. She didn’t want to feel that way about herself. All of the excuses sounded childish. She was a grown woman and was going to have to accept this new aspect of her personality. It didn’t change who she was, right?
    Clearly, she had some issues. She wished she could talk to Damien about it, since it seemed like he would understand, but she didn’t have his phone number. Maybe she should call Hannah and see if she would pick her up. Then they could talk about everything. She reached over and grabbed the hospital phone.
    After the phone rang a few times, Hannah answered the phone.
    “ Hello?” she said.
    “ Hey Hannah,” Krista said, “It’s Krista. I need a favor.”
    “ Krista, why are you calling me from the hospital?” Hannah asked. “Are you okay?”
    “ I’m fine. I just need a ride home and someone to talk to,” Krista said. “Are you

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