Caught Up (Indigo Vibe)

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Book: Read Caught Up (Indigo Vibe) for Free Online
Authors: Deatri King-Bey
around prey. He’d already said the mistake was his fault, but the agents weren’t satisfied. The heavyset warden leaned on his desk with one hock on the edge of his desk and one foot on the floor as he watched the agents debrief the officer.
    “Let me get this straight,” Samson said. “You forgot to call Warden Jackson when Ernesta Wells signed in?”
    “This mindless ass thinks we’re as stupid as him.” Alton poked the officer in the center of his forehead. “How much were you paid?”
    The officer wiped the sweat from his brow, then gripped the arms of the chair. “I wasn’t paid. I swear.”
    “You should have been, because when I finish with your ass, you won’t find employment anywhere,” Alton snapped.
    The officer avoided eye contact with Samson and Alton, but looked with pleading into the warden’s eyes. “We go way back. My record is clean. I only have a year until retirement. You know me. I made an honest mistake. Please, don’t let them do this to me.”
    “I’ll vouch for him,” the warden relented as he heaved his leg off the desk and approached the officer. “But, I’m suspending you without pay for three months. Now get.”
    The agents watched the officer scurry out. “He wouldn’t have told us shit anyway,” Alton said. “I’m still having his ass watched though. I want every guard associated with David changed. Their asses are on the take.”
    “May we have some privacy, Warden?” Samson asked.
    “Sure. I’ll have the guards changed immediately.” He left the agents alone.
    Samson popped in the video of the mystery woman into the VCR. “I don’t recognize her from our files. What about you?”
    “Nope. And what’s this shit about their child? He had a son, right? He was killed in a drive-by. They must be talking in code.”
    Samson smoothed down his goatee. “Can we crack the code before we run out of time? What about the taxi service she took?”
    “I’m checking into it. With our luck, we’ll hit another dead end. Same for her fingerprints.”
    “I need to speak with David.”
    “I know you’re his buddy-buddy and all,” Alton said with an overdose of sarcasm, “but he’s about to go on the warpath. You need to step back and watch his every move. He’ll slip up.”
    Samson sat at the warden’s desk, thumbing through a file on David, writing all of the names associated with David on a notepad. “What are we missing? Who would know about a child, his child, his daughter?”
    “There ain’t no daughter. Daughter’s a codename. I’m having extra cameras placed every damned place and wiring them to our office in Miami.”
    Ignoring Alton, Samson began crossing names out. “Who would he trust?” He continued eliminating names when one name yelled at him. The same name that David had plastered all over his cell.
    “I’ve figured it out.”
    “The code.”
    “Well, hot damn. Lay it on me.” Alton rolled an office chair from the conference table to the desk.
    “Ernesta was talking about Rosa, the mother of David’s child. She disappeared soon after the baby was killed. I’ll bet David put her in hiding.”
    “Sorry, man, but there’s no way in hell he’s still protecting Rosa. Her ass cracked up after the kid was killed. He isn’t the type to stand by his woman through thick and thin.” Alton stood to leave. “I’m checking in with the taxi service. Maybe they have something for us.”
    “I’m visiting David.”
    “Suit yourself, but it’s a waste of time we don’t have.”
    * * *
    David set the stack of typing paper to the side, then leaned against the wall and pulled his feet up on the bunk.
    By the time Rosa earned her masters degree, he’d grown tired of hiding in the audience while she showered Ernesto with the affection that should be for him. Her strong personality rivaled his. He could see her being not only the first big-time female drug lord, but also the drug lord of the largest syndicate. He lowered his head to his

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