Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 1 - Alien Flight

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Book: Read Carinae Sector: 01 - Traders' Scourge - Part 1 - Alien Flight for Free Online
Authors: David Buck
length balefully, before he replied in words that sent ice into hearts of his slaves.
    ‘Obviously your security was inadequate and I find all of you culpable. I lack the patience to deal with you any longer, and my mercy and forgiveness applies only to the Quixxe I still own and protect on this world. So as my wrath is with you four only you are being sold and by selling you I neatly address a request from an honored party of guests. Battle lord Temeroth now owns the four of you.’
    The four Quixxe remained kneeling in abject terror as their former master walked off the imperial seal. Malang’troh now in turn knelt on all six limbs facing the ramp of the Vorinne transport. The Tilmud guard sounded the horn again in a different note, and the four slaves watched as their death strode down the ramp on massive talons to then stand on the imperial seal. Brodinal fought down rising panic as he knew that Zronte did not keep even the Quixxe artisans as slaves. He furtively studied under his bowed head the massive dome headed form of a Zronte battle lord, admittedly a junior one and probably young, so that meant it would take a mate soon.
    Brodinal knew his fears were well founded, as the large ten meter reptilian opened his huge snout to display a fearsome array of sharp teeth as he spoke.
    ‘Malang’troh, thank you for the courtesy you have shown me and my party in the loan of your transport, and in promptly granting my request. I will offer you adequate compensation out of imperial funds for the loss of your facility and for these former slaves of yours. You may withdraw if you will, as we will conclude our business here before we leave, and it may offend your senses.’
    Brodinal noted in terror that a second slightly larger Zronte, a female, had now come down the loading ramp to stand beside her mate. Malang’troh stood and backed away in a deep bow of respect, before turning and leaving without a backward glance. Brodinal could see the green bands on the female Zronte’s throat denoting her breeding condition, and corrected his estimation of the battle lord to that of having just taken a mate. He also knew that the female Zronte needed live prey to trigger her breeding impulses.
    The battle lord now looked down at the nervous Tilmud, their strong dorsal spines stiff in fright, behind the kneeling Quixxe stricken with terror, and in contempt snarled a short command at the mercenaries.
    ‘It is unfortunate for the Quixxe that the Tilmud have sharp spines and are toxic to us. Now hold and prepare them for us.’
    The four Quixxe were each pulled upright and restrained by a pair of mercenaries, and their sleeveless coveralls were quickly cut from their bodies by sharp knives. The Zronte female impatiently strode forward in three long strides without ceremony. She seized the second engineer in her massive mouth, before biting down and stifling his shrill shriek.
    The Zronte then tossed her head back and swallowed the now still form of the engineer. The security director was next, and Brodinal was winked at by the brave Quixxe, even as the female Zronte seized him and bit down again. In moments the Zronte female had swallowed the second Quixxe, before turning to stride back slowly to the loading ramp.
    Brodinal considered the beauty of his life with Apinal and their many offspring, and now sent a fervent wish their way. He would die young today in a brutal manner, but he knew that Malang’troh would keep his word about the safety of the other Quixxe artisans on this world. The Zronte battle lord hesitated for several seconds to establish that his mate had taken her fill before he in turn now strode forward. The senior engineer was selected first, and in moments he was dead and being swallowed whole like the others. Brodinal gave another fervent silent wish that the eventual fate of Zronte would be total, soon and merciless, before he in turn was killed and eaten whole.
    Apinal had the sense to drop the media feed into the

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