didn’t know how long it would take him to track and kill the Wendigo.
“Stay close,” he cautioned as they moved up the mountain.
The air began to cool as they climbed higher. As fast as the Wendigo moved, it could be anywhere. The Carpathians were a long range of mountains that stretched through the center of Romania.
Cristian knew the creature was close. The Wendigo wanted them, so it would hunt them until it caught them.
“Are you sure it’s out there?” Jules asked as her gaze darted around.
“Most certainly. You remember the symbols?” He had shown her how to write the four symbols if the Wendigo should appear, or if something happened to him.
She nodded. “Yes.”
“If something should happen....”
“Don’t.” She stopped him from saying more. “Nothing will happen to you.”
Cristian halted and faced her. “You need to be prepared in case something does. Your gun won’t do much.”
“It will. The bullets are made of silver. My father says silver will kill almost anything supernatural.”
His brows rose at her words. “Your father was right, but there is only one thing that can kill the Wendigo, and your bullets, silver or not, will only anger it.”
Her teeth worried her lower lip. Dread and resignation filled her sherry eyes. He took her shoulders in his hands and made her look at him.
“We’ll get off the mountain.”
She forced a smile. “Of course we will. I’ve no doubts at all.”
Cristian let her lie. They had been walking only a few hours, but he wasn’t moving them as quickly as the day before. He was keeping a lookout for the Wendigo, because when he caught the first glimpse of it, he would go after it.
“Why could I hardly wake you this morning?” Jules asked.
He shrugged and shifted his bag on his shoulder. “When I turn for an entire night, it drains me. Sleep helps my body to restore.”
“Are you immortal?”
“I don’t really know. My parents aren’t, so I doubt I am.”
She regarded him with solemn eyes. “You’re very unique. There can be no telling to your powers.”
“I suppose.”
Her brow furrowed. “Why do you act as though you don’t care? Your gifts are amazing.”
“You had your cage, Jules. I have mine. People don’t exactly embrace me when they learn what I am. I’ve learned to keep that part of me hidden.”
She snorted. “You grew up in Brasov, yes?”
“I did.”
“Then surely they had to know something, and they seem to like you.”
“They know I’m not quite human, but they don’t know what I am. If they found out I had even a drop of vampire in me, they’d cut off my head. I’d rather they didn’t learn.”
“Fair enough.” She turned her head and gasped.
Immediately, Cristian looked to where her gaze had fallen. “What is it?”
“I saw something,” she whispered.
He glanced at their path and knew with the rocks and narrow passages, it would be the perfect time for the Wendigo to attack. “Write the symbols,” he urged her.
While Jules hastily drew the symbols on the ground, Cristian moved around her, daring the Wendigo to attack. When she was done, she jumped to her feet and dusted off her hands. Cristian moved into the circle with her and sighed.
He could be chasing after it if only Jules wasn’t there to worry about, but had he not let her come with him, she’d have gone by herself with her hired men. They would have left her alone, and the Wendigo would’ve already caught her.
“What now?”
Cristian blew out a breath and clenched his fists. “The trail I’m following is one my parents always took. It leads up toward the top of the mountain where the passages are very narrow.”
“I see.” She moved to stand beside him. “How long will we wait before we start walking again?”
He glanced at her and watched as she untied her braid and loosened her hair. He loved her hair, the silky feel of the strands as they passed through his fingers.
Cristian cleared his throat. “I don’t
Anne Machung Arlie Hochschild