Can't Let Go - A Contemporary BWWM Romance

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Book: Read Can't Let Go - A Contemporary BWWM Romance for Free Online
Authors: Shayla Harris

        “Must be nice having a set
schedule,” Kevin replied. He gave me a kiss on the forehead, and with that he
was gone.



a week went by, and I hadn’t heard from Kevin since our little date. I decided
to keep my distance and play it cool. I was going to let him chase me.

a month, we were required to put in a Saturday at the office. It wasn’t so bad.
It usually only lasted about four hours or so, and with less staff there and no management, it was the perfect opportunity to
screw around.

swiped my keycard at the front entrance and trudged up the stairs to the second
floor. I threw my purse down in my cubicle and fired up my trusty computer.

office was always eerily quiet on Saturdays. I peeked around, seeing no one
except a couple staff writers clear across the room. I pulled up an internet radio station on my browser and set it to a
nineties pop station. I was feeling a bit nostalgic.

work inbox was almost empty except for a handful of spam emails and two wedding
announcement submissions. It was going to be a long four hours, but nothing I
wasn’t used to.

rested my head in my hands on my desk and spaced out for a bit. I replayed our
Sunday night date from the weekend before in my head over and over. It was so
nice having Kevin there. It was so nice of him to rent a chick flick and bring
pizza. I couldn’t understand what went wrong and why he hadn’t contacted me all

chocolate eyes flashed in my mind. They contrasted perfectly with this thick,
lush head of ebony hair and his tan skin. The more I thought about it, the more
I realized he was probably one of the best looking guys I’d dated in my entire
life. If Antoine was about a seven, Kevin would’ve
been a ten. Maybe even an eleven.

suddenly felt insecure. What did a guy like him want with a girl like me,
anyway? I was average build and not stick thin. I had big, round, saucer-like
brown eyes, and I was pretty sure I dressed nicely. Yet Kevin was clearly out
of my league. That had to be why he hadn’t called.

pulled out my compact and stared at my reflection while a cheesy Boyz II Men
song played softly from my speakers. I glanced at my eyes. They had major bags
under them. My lips were looking a little chapped. I’d been seriously
neglecting the little things lately. If I wanted to keep Kevin, I needed to
step up my game.

I think you have something in your teeth.” I heard a man say.

Michael,” I replied without looking up. I could recognize his nasally voice
anywhere. He was trying to be funny but it just wasn’t.

slim pickings today, huh?” he said as he hung his arm over the edge of my
cubicle wall.

like any other Saturday in the office,” I replied, still not looking up. I knew
I was being rude, but I wasn’t in the mood for casual conversation.

seen any good movies lately?” he asked. Now he was just purposely biding his

don’t like movies, remember?” I replied. I looked up at him, and I was sure he
could read the irritation all over my face. I just wanted him to leave me
alone. He bothered me every single day at least once or twice a day. “No movies
to review today?”

got some,” he said.

probably had the cushiest job in the whole office. He was only here maybe
twenty hours per week. The rest of the time he could either work from home or
spend endless afternoons at the movies. Popcorn oil seemed to ooze from his

got some submissions I need to go over,” I said as I pointed to my watch.
“Might take me a while. Catch you later?”

I went giving him false hope again. And I always wondered why he kept coming
back to bother me all the time. I just didn’t have it in me to be mean to him no matter how much he annoyed the ever-loving
crap out of

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