Candidate (Selected Book 4)
arranged marriages in some human cultures."
    I turned to face her. "And if I reject all your proposals?"
    "Then tomorrow you will find yourself in the arena facing four males."
    "But I'm allowed to fight."
    "You will lose."
    "Do you really think I'm going to stop fighting? Do you really think just because you have rules for my behavior that I'll follow them? Are you sure I won't eventually find a way to put a knife into his heart?"
    "You'd have to find it."
    I stared at her and again pushed back my tears. "Don't I have any way out of this?"
    "You could win the challenges. It is unlikely. If you do not, then you go home with your challenger, and he -- or she -- has a period of time to woo you. Most succeed. Of course, we cheat."
    "What do you mean, you cheat?"
    She smiled. "Would you like a demonstration?"
    "I don't believe I would."
    "I won't hurt you, Ms. Hayes. In fact, you would rather enjoy the demonstration." She smiled and stood. "If I release you from the chair, will you cooperate?"
    "For now."
    She cocked her head and the table and chair released me. But a moment later the visor went dark, and I couldn't see.
    "Yes, I know. You can't see." Then she took my arm. "Come with me."
    I let her lead me from the room.
    * * * *
    When next I could see, we were in what looked like a very nice apartment living room. We weren't alone.
    "Andromeda Hayes," said Administrator Brighteyes. "This is Dark Skies. She is of a species humans call Octals."
    The alien was petite, smaller than I was, and blue. She stepped forward, offering her hand. I lifted both of mine, still shackled, and we shook, exchanging greetings. The Catseye explained a number of things about the Octals, including the nature of their families."
    "So you have six wives and a husband?" I finally asked.
    "No. I am currently single," she replied. "I have so far avoided a battle of wills."
    "A battle of wills?" I asked.
    "In an Octal household," said the Catseye, "There is one queen, and everyone obeys her. The queen is selected through a battle of wills. I brought you here to experience what it is like."
    "You're giving me to her?"
    "Only briefly," said the Catseye.
    "I do not wish my first mate to be human," explained the Octal. "If I accepted a human mate, I would almost certainly lose the next battle of wills."
    "Administrator Brighteyes-" I began.
    "You require a demonstration. Dark Skies is the weakest adult Octal I know. Nearly all are older and far more powerful than she is. You will see what she is able to do, and then you will understand what I mean when I say we cheat."
    "I don't know about this."
    "If you are able to win this battle of wills," continued the Catseye, "I will send you home. If not, then you will negotiate in good faith with me."
    I wasn't the most stubborn woman I knew, but I was pretty darned stubborn. "How do we know who has won?"
    "You'll know. But let us suggest something the loser will perform for the winner."
    Then the Octal spoke in one of their languages, and I didn't understand a word. The Catseye listened but answered in English, "It is her choice."
    "What is?"
    "Dark Skies wishes to keep you for twenty-four hours, after which time she will release you back to me. Do you wish to spend the next twenty-four hours with her?"
    "I don't even know her," I replied.
    "I promise you would enjoy it," said the Catseye. "But I also believe you would be very upset later. So, you have a choice. A brief battle of wills, and the loser will, hmm. Kiss the winner's feet."
    "Excuse me?"
    "If she is able to make you willingly kiss her feet, she wins," said the Catseye. "If you are able to resist, or if she kisses yours, then you go free. I will return in one hour. Or you may agree I will not return for twenty-four hours, and whatever happens here, happens here."
    "So we're going to fight?"
    "We will hug," said the Octal. "And breathe."
    "Hug." I rattled my arms.
    "I will hug you. You will allow me to do so. I will not hurt you."
    "Fine," I said.

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