Calculated in Death

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Book: Read Calculated in Death for Free Online
Authors: J. D. Robb
Tags: english eBooks
the year. If he wants it, he can take the exam then. That’ll give him time to get a little more experience under his belt and study up. Let him know. You’ve done good with him, Baxter.”
    “He’s gold, boss. I figured him mostly for ballast when you tossed him my way, but he’s gold. Appreciate it.”
    “Prime him,” she warned. “The exam’s not for pussies.”
    “He’s a sweetheart, but he ain’t no pussy.”
    When they walked into the bullpen, things were already hopping. She gave Peabody the come-ahead and kept moving into her office where Eve headed straight for the AutoChef and coffee.
    “Morris confirms COD is the broken neck. No apparent defensive wounds. The bruises she has could be—most likely are—the result of the snatch, the backhand. Manual neck snap.”
    “Big ouch.”
    “I don’t think she felt much. He stunned her first—extra careful maybe—light stun, on the shoulder blade.”
    “Like an ambush, from behind.”
    “Yeah, and I’m betting the fibers on her pants, and the ones Morris took out of the heel of her right hand are from the interior of the vehicle used to transport her. I’m going to set up the board and book. What have you got?”
    “McNab’s already in and started on the ’link. EDD’s waiting for the go-ahead for the rest of the electronics. Carmichael and Santiago are on tap for the search, and Uniform Carmichael’s on the canvass. I put an alert out for the wedding ring and the wrist unit, and went ahead and contacted the husband about the earrings so we could alert all of it. She had on these gold heart-shaped studs the kids gave her last Mother’s Day. I really hope we get them back. Something like that . . . Anyway, we could get lucky there if the killer decides to pawn or sell.”
    “They’re not pros, so we could get lucky.”
    “I started a run on the financials—vic and spouse. They both have life insurance—and plenty—but they’re solid money-wise. He makes considerably more than she did, but she didn’t do half bad. They’ve got investments, the low-risk, long-term growth type, and already have college funds started for the kids.”
    She took out her notebook, swiped through just to refresh. “They own the condo, and have a mortgage going on a house on Long Island, in Oyster Bay. One vehicle—family-style cargo deal, late model, but not flashy. Some art and jewelry. Dickenson and Grimes started their firm eleven years ago, took on the other partners along the way. They have a good rep. The vic worked for Brewer and company for about the same amount of time, moving up, time off for each of the kids with standard maternity leave. The nanny’s been with them since the first kid came along. I have her data.”
    “Okay, we’ll talk to her, to the vic’s work people, to the law partners.”
    “Crossing, there are some clients popping on each, and I’ve got a couple so far who’ve used or are using the wit’s firm.”
    “Run it through, then we’ll work the matches.” She glanced down when her unit signaled an incoming. “There’s the warrant.” She ordered it to print, read the attachment. “Yung says the family’s heading over to her place. Give Carmichael the warrant, and get them going. Give EDD the nod on the electronics. Be ready to— Sir.”
    She straightened her shoulders when Commander Whitney filled her doorway. She’d expected contact, and quickly, but wished he’d called her up to his office, given her time to prepare.
    “I’ve been informed Judge Yung’s sister-in-law has been murdered.”
    “Yes, sir. I’ve just come in from the field. I haven’t written up my initial report, and am waiting for some lab results.”
    “Run it through for me.”
    “Peabody, get things started. Commander,” she began, then gave him an oral report.
    He was a big man in her small office, his dark face grim as he listened, as he walked over to stare out of her skinny window at the gloomy morning.
    “You’re not leaning

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