Cade Creek 11 - Race Against Time

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Book: Read Cade Creek 11 - Race Against Time for Free Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
able to get away in time to meet Race’s plane.”
    “Race?” Jack’s eyebrows drew together. “Wasn’t he one of the members of the Dirty Dozen Motorcycle Club run by Dorian?”
    “Yes.” Vinnie nodded. “When Dorian and Bear moved to Cade Creek, Race came with them.”
    “Right,” Jack replied. “I remember.”
    “Someone beat the hell out of him, Jack,” Ari said with a cold edge to his voice. “They even broke his arm.”
    Jack’s eyes narrowed. “Who is they?”
    “We don’t know,” Vinnie answered, “and we probably won’t until Dorian has a chance to talk to Race. That’s kind of why we came to talk to you. We’d like your permission to talk to the guys and ask them to keep an eye out on any strangers that show up in town.”
    “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Jack asked as he sat back in his chair. “The sheriff will get mighty pissed if we start scaring off the tourists.”
    “I’m not saying we need to scare anyone off, Jack, but keeping an eye out for anyone that isn’t touristy couldn’t hurt. Unless there is a fire or we’re training, we have a lot of time on our hands. Being right on the main drag means we see a lot of people coming and going. We have a better chance of spotting something than most.”
    “And then what?”
    The fire chief had a good point with his question. Vinnie’s first inclination was to find whoever beat the crap out of Race and pound them into the ground, but that would more than likely end him up in jail. Sheriff Riley didn’t play favorites if someone broke the law.
    “If we see something out of place,” he said, “we can ask the sheriff to take a look.”
    “Okay.” Jack folded his hands together again, this time resting them on his chest as he leaned back in his chair. “So, you just want the guys to keep an extra eye out and report anything out of place, no actual interference? Correct?”
    “Correct.” Vinnie blew out a relieved breath, so glad the chief got it.
    “I will be reaffirming with the guys that they are not to interfere or instigate anything.” Vinnie swallowed hard when Jack’s dark eyebrow arched high. “Any man that so much as dips his toe in an aggressive situation will be rolling hoses and running the tower for a week.”
    Vinnie groaned as he rubbed his thighs just thinking about how much that would hurt. Rolling hoses wasn’t so bad. It was tedious work. Running the tower, however, could break a man. Two hundred steps up and then two hundred steps down, fully geared up, including oxygen tank. Even the strongest firefighter would be winded after running it twice. A week of it might put them in traction.
    “I can’t promise not to interfere if I see someone threatening Race,” Ari said, “but I won’t intentionally look for trouble. If there’s a way to let the sheriff handle it first, I’m good, but if not…” Ari shrugged. “If that means I roll hose and run the tower, so be it.”
    Even though the fire chief was staring at Ari, his gaze was so intent, Vinnie started to sweat. Finally, after what seemed like forever, Jack nodded. “Fair enough.”
    Vinnie wanted to hug Ari, but they had a very strict agreement about not having displays of affection at work after almost getting caught fooling around in the showers once. Fraternization wasn’t forbidden, but it was frowned upon while on duty. Still, Vinnie sent Ari a smile so the man would know he approved what Ari had said.
    “Thanks, Jack.” Vinnie stood and held out his hand.
    Jack stared at it for a moment before lifting his gaze to Vinnie. “Is this an official thank-you or one from a friend?”
    Vinnie felt his face flush as he chuckled. “Definitely from a friend.”
    “Good.” Jack grinned, the tension in his shoulders easing. “In that case, you can thank me by buying me a beer after work.”
    Jack waved his hand toward the door. “Now, get out of here. Go put out a fire or something. Rumor has it you’re firemen or

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