By The Pricking of My Thumbs

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Book: Read By The Pricking of My Thumbs for Free Online
Authors: Agatha Christie
presumably one gets tired of keeping the play-acting up. And of course more often it's just forgetfulness that people suffer from. They can't quite remember who they are. Or they keep saying there's something very important they've forgotten and if they could only remember it. That sort of thing.'
    'I see,' said Tuppence. She hesitated, and then said, 'Mrs Lancaster - Was it always things about that particular fireplace in the sitting room she remembered, or was it any fireplace?'
    Miss Packard stared - 'A fireplace? I don't understand what you mean.'
    'It was something she said that I didn't understand. Perhaps she'd had some unpleasant association with a fireplace, or read some story that had frightened her.'
    Tuppence said: 'I'm still rather worried about the picture she gave to Aunt Ada.'
    'I really don't think you need worry, Mrs Beresford. I expect she's forgotten all about it by now. I don't think she prized it particularly. She was just pleased that Miss Fanshawe admired it and was glad for her to have it, and I'm sure she'd be glad for you to have it because you admire it. It's a nice picture, I thought so myself. Not that I know much about pictures.'
    'I tell you what I'll do. I'll write to Mrs Johnson if you'll give me her address, and just ask if it's all right to keep it.'
    'The only address I've got is the hotel in London they were going to - the Cleveland, I think it was called. Yes, the Cleveland Hotel, George Street, W.1. She was taking Mrs Lancaster there for about four or five days and after that I think they were going to stay with some relations in Scotland. I expect the Cleveland Hotel will have a forwarding address.'
    'Well, thank you. And now, about this fur stole of Aunt Ada's?'
    'I'll go and bring Miss O'Keefe to you.'
    She went out of the room.
    'You and your Mrs Blenkinsops,' said Tommy.
    Tuppence looked complacent.
    'One of my best creations,' she said. 'I'm glad I was able to make use of her - I was just trying to think of a name and suddenly Mrs Blenkinsop came into my mind. What fun it was, wasn't it?'
    'It's a long time ago. No more spies in wartime and counterespionage for us.'
    'More's the pity. It was fun - living in that guest house inventing a new personality for myself. I really began to believe I was Mrs Blenkinsop.'
    'You were lucky you got away safely with it,' said Tommy, 'and in my opinion, as I once told you, you overdid it.'
    'I did not. I was perfectly in character. A nice woman, rather silly, and far too much taken up with her three sons.'
    'That's what I mean,' said Tommy. 'One son would have been quite enough. Three sons were too much to burden yourself with.'
    'They became quite real to me,' said Tuppence. 'Douglas, Andrew and - goodness, I've forgotten the name of the third one now. I know exactly what they looked like and their characters and just where they were stationed, and I talked most indiscreetly about the letters I got from them.'
    'Well, that's over,' said Tommy. 'There's nothing to find out in this place - so forget about Mrs Blenkinsop. When I'm dead and buried and you've suitably mourned me and taken up your residence in a home for the aged, I expect you'll be thinking you are Mrs Blenkinsop half of the time.'
    'It'll be rather boring to have only one rфle to play,' said Tuppence.
    'Why do you think old people want to be Marie Antoinette, Madame Curie and all the rest of it?' asked Tommy.
    'I expect because they get so bored. One does get bored. I'm sure you would if you couldn't use your legs and walk about, or perhaps your fingers get too stiff and you can't knit. Desperately you want something to do to amuse yourself so you try on some public character and see what it feels like when you are it. I can understand that perfectly.'
    'I'm sure you can,' said Tommy. 'God help the home for the aged that you go to. You'll be Cleopatra most of the time, I expect.'
    'I won't be a famous person,' said Tuppence. 'I'll be someone like a kitchen maid at Anne

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