Burning Desire
didn’t have to converse with the ones who spied on him.
    Normally he loved driving along the roads in his car, but there was a restlessness about him that night he couldn’t name or erase. He got out of the car and jogged up the front steps to the door.
    Since the day he bought the estate he hadn’t bothered to lock the doors or set the alarm system. There was no need. He had nothing worth stealing, and the Dark would get in no matter what he put in their way.
    He walked into the house and stilled. With his gaze darting around, he slowly closed the door behind him. Someone had been in his house. He could smell them, and it was a familiar smell.
    Kiril ran up the stairs to his room and burst through the doors. His gaze went to his sword to find it exactly where he had left it. A long sigh left him as relief flowed through his veins. He walked toward the sword, but once he reached the bed he jerked to a stop.
    The scent was strong here. Whoever had entered his house spent the most time in his room. Kiril drew in a deep breath and drew in the scent of the sea and … primroses.
    She had been in his home, in his room. His gaze went back to the bed. The previous night he’d dreamt of taking her in his bed, of caressing her creamy skin, of fisting his hands in her long black hair and kissing her until she clung to him, begging him to fill her.
    To know that she had been standing in his room, near his bed had his cock immediately hard and aching. Kiril fisted his hands as both need and anger filled him.
    If the wench wanted to play tease, he was game to join in. And he’d had much more time to perfect the art.
    *   *   *
    “Where have you been?”
    Shara didn’t have time to answer as Farrell pushed her from behind before grabbing her shoulder and roughly turning her around to slam her back against the wall in the hallway of their home.
    “I knew you were watching Kiril, so I wanted a look at where he lived to better know my quarry,” she answered angrily. The vein at his temple throbbed, an indication that he was beyond furious. Well good, since she was now as well.
    Farrell smiled coldly, cruelly. “Is that so? It seems your charms you were so sure of last night are worth nothing. Kiril doesn’t want you.”
    “He’s not a man to shout what he wants or doesn’t want, especially to the enemy.”
    It was the wrong thing to say. The punch came to her side before she could prepare for it. Shara doubled over, the pain making it difficult to breathe.
    “You better be right, little sister. The next time I won’t care if I mess up your face,” Farrell said next to her ear before he straightened and walked away.

    Forty-eight hours. Forty-eight excruciating, tormenting hours. Kiril experienced every painful second of those hours. And all because of one woman—Shara.
    He wasn’t going to leave Cork without seeing her again. He didn’t care if he had to comb through every business, every pub, and even every house. It didn’t matter how many Dark Fae stood in his way.
    He. Was. Going. To. See. Her.
    Had he not been so wound up, had she not been in his room, he might have realized how close to the edge he was. The fact he knew he was teetering on the brink of losing his control didn’t go undetected by him.
    Shara wanted something from him, and he wanted something from her. If he allowed it, they could dance around it for days or weeks to come. Kiril wasn’t sure how much longer he could remain in Ireland.
    He might have told Con earlier during their morning chat that he was fine. He was anything but. It was getting harder and harder to remain in human form, and his work on the cellar wasn’t moving along as quickly as he wanted.
    Of course, with the Dark watching, he had to take his time and not let them realize what he was doing. Time was running out. If he didn’t learn where Rhi was before it was too late, everything he had done would be for naught.
    He drove his SLS Roadster down

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