Burn (Dragon Souls)
    Daniil’s lips twisted. “A disturbing visual.”
    Pasha’s eyes welled. Marina had no idea how the gentle woman survived Tzion’s harsh environment before coming to work for her. “This will not end well, Princess.”
    “I won’t go looking for trouble. I swear it. But my compassion will not extend to bullies and murderers. I will no show no mercy if they come looking to hurt me and mine.”
    “But you speak of Lord Kol dragging your hidden foes into the open for Lord Raad to destroy.”
    “They started it.” Marina brushed her fingers through Boy’s curls. Her determination to protect him was plain. “I mean to finish it.”
    Koen was proud. He bared his teeth at his Treasure’s fierce declaration. “No mercy,” he rumbled and he claimed her mouth in a bruising kiss.
    ‘ No mercy ,’ Mikhail agreed.
    Nikolai snorted. “Like I gave any in the first place.”
    Daniil’s head dropped. When it lifted his expression was resigned. “No mercy.”

    M arina sidled into the grand hall. Nervous excitement jittered over her skin. Eyes were on her as she crossed the stone floor with the remaining First Chosen flanking her.
    The other Chosen that entered Aver for lesser Dragon Lords were done. Some had won their Dragon while others failed. Marina felt bad for the women who hadn’t succeeded. Bitter sobs of anguish echoed though the halls, and the Dragon Lords denied their mates appeared heartbroken by their failures. Of course they could mate outside of Aver, but the Houses wanted the prestige that came with an Aver victor, and pressured their heirs to hold out until the female prevailed.
    Marina briefly wondered what she would sound like if she failed during Aver then cast the thought aside. She wasn’t going to fail. Failure meant losing Koen, and while the new people in her life thrilled her, he was at the centre of it.
    Admittedly, her drive to be a Tzion Queen would be nonexistent if he wasn’t her reward.
    Dressed in a gown of deep purple with silver stitching, Marina itched the back of her neck and tried not to touch her face.
    Pasha, the sneaky witch, had made up her face as she took a nap before the feast. After bathing, Marina had fallen onto the soft mattress thinking about the next quest. Within a heartbeat she’d been snoring. She woke with little time to get dressed, barely enough to wrap her in the shakus of fabric constituting her dress robes, green embroidery on a shimmering black backdrop.
    Only when Pasha was forced to let her check her hairstyle did Marina discover her ghostlike complexion, red lips and kohl black eyes.
    She’d been furious.
    On the long walk to the celebration Marina argued with her handmaiden. “You are so lucky I have to go to this. You better find a damn good place to hide. When it’s over I’m coming after you .”
    Knowing Marina’s threats were full of hot air, Pasha merely sniffed then hotfooted it out of sight.
    Chest puffed with pride after winning the honour of escorting her to the victory feast, Boy fought what she suspected was a smile at the exchange.
    He’d yet to grin without restraint, but Marina knew once his icy wall cracked he’d smile all the time. She couldn’t wait for the day he trusted her enough to reveal the full enormity of his emotions.
    Leaving her with the other First Chosen, Boy ghosted through the imposing double doors.
    Marina smiled ruefully, aching inside watching him go. She kissed and hugged him whenever she could, always had a hand on him to forge a connection of trust. It wasn’t something she’d been advised to do, just something that felt natural to her. He was her son. She wanted to feel close to him. He was already nearly full grown so she only had a few years of coddling left.
    Boy never reached out to her. It pained her how he held himself apart, as if he wasn’t worthy. He was always careful not to invade her personal space, rarely initiated the physical contact, and though he was able to accept

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