Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love

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Book: Read Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love for Free Online
Authors: Red Phoenix
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Anthology, Erotic, Brie
each time they drank. By the time her Master stopped pouring, both Doms had become unusually open and chatty.
    “What an odd activity to share with your father, Ren,” Sir stated. “I never pictured you as a singer.”
    He shrugged. “To me it’s no different than going fishing or hunting like you Americans do with your fathers. It’s simply a bonding experience between generations—one that only he and I shared.” He smiled sadly, looking around the room. “Here my father was not my otosama and I was not his protégé. We were equals, sharing a mutual passion.”
    “I find it oddly fascinating…” Sir mused. “Do you consider yourself a good singer, Nosaka?”
    “I’m fair. Not quite at the level of my father, but I’ve heard no complaints.”
    Sir snorted. “Is that because you normally tie and gag your audience?”
    Tono burst out laughing. “Well, there’s only one way to find out if I speak the truth.” He retrieved another mic from the shelf and tried to hand it to Brie. “Your time has come, little one. Let me hear this infamous voice of yours.”
    She cringed and refused to take it, hesitant to ruin Tono’s good impression of her.
    He seemed surprised by her reaction, but took it in stride. “Very well. If I go first, you will join me for the next song.”
    Brie glanced at Sir, hoping for an out. “Only if it pleases my Master.”
    Sir raised his eyebrow, but said nothing.
    “I will take that as a yes.”
    Tono started flipping through the sea of titles, explaining, “You may find it surprising that my father is a huge Elvis Presley fan. I’m singing this first one in honor of him.”
    Brie grinned when she recognized the song Jailhouse Rock. The foolish grin remained on her face, until she heard Tono’s voice…
    It was smooth, deep and warmly romantic.
    She couldn’t help staring at him, her jaw slack in admiration. Her whole perception of Tono changed and expanded as she listened to the rich tenor of his voice. He delighted her even more when he added a few thrusting Elvis moves at the end of his performance.
    Brie clapped her hands enthusiastically, begging for more.
    “I would definitely say you can sing, Nosaka,” Sir complimented him.
    Tono turned to Brie, twirling the mic. “Now to see if you are as poor a singer as you believe.”
    She groaned in protest. “Tono, I will only murder that beautiful sound of yours if I try to sing with you. Trust me.”
    He handed her the microphone. “Don’t think, just follow my lead and sing.”
    Tono switched the subtitles to English while she waited. Brie stood beside him, dreading the moment her humiliation would be made complete. However, she found herself laughing when an old song from the movie Dirty Dancing began to play. The ballad, I’ve Had the Time of My Life , had been a favorite of hers when she was growing up.
    Tono started, his voice low and alluring as he sang the male part of the popular love song. Having him sing such a silly, romantic tune took away some of her anxiety; enough that Brie smiled at Sir when her part came up on the screen. She opened her mouth, and… Brie chickened out at the last second, only whispering the words.
    Tono shook his head and leaned in close, singing the female part with her. With the sake in her veins, bolstering her courage, Brie stared into his chocolate-brown eyes. It reminded her of the time they’d danced together the night of graduation, when she had trusted him to lead her on the dance floor. What came from her lips was a tragic sound, but Tono cheered her on with a smile.
    Soon Brie was relaxed enough to let all her inhibitions down, and she fell into natural rhythm with Tono, her voice following his. Although she noticed that he cringed every time she sang off pitch, he never lost his smile—not once.
    Sir clapped afterwards, and poured them another round of drinks. “I’m almost there,” he teased, handing them each the sake . “Just a little more alcohol will deaden the last

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