Bridges Burned (Entangled Teen) (Going Down in Flames)
herself backed against a cold metal locker with Zavien’s lips pressed against hers. She fisted her hands in his shirt and held on as heat and electricity built between them. A low growling sound filled the room. Holy crap. Is that me or him?
    Zavien stepped back, breathing heavily, and stared into her eyes. What? Did I do something wrong?
    “Did you use Quintessence when you danced? Was there some sort of magic involved?”
    “What? No. It was just a dance.”
    “Sorry.” He studied her like she was a puzzle he was trying to solve. “I don’t understand why I feel so strongly for you right now.”
    Splash . His words were like a bucket of cold water. “What the hell does that mean?”
    “You’re always in the back of my mind. Right now, you’re all I can think about.”
    “That’s not a bad thing.” After all, she spent a lot of time thinking about him.
    “I suppose not.” He stepped away from her. “You should return to class.”
    Cold air rushed in to replace the heat of his body. Goose bumps broke out on her arms. Why was he acting so suspicious?
    She wanted answers to big questions, but would settle for something more practical. “What are you doing here? Why did you come see me?”
    “I stopped by to tell you I wouldn’t be at lunch. I have errands to run.”
    Okay. That was nice of him. Her fear receded.
    He laced his fingers through hers. “Come on. We better go.”
    Zavien left her at the entrance to the gym. Just walked off. Why didn’t he kiss her good-bye? Was he afraid someone would see them? Ugh . She would not do this to herself. He’d come to see her. Even if he’d acted weird, he’d sought her out. That was a good thing.
    She found Clint and Ivy waiting in line to joust.
    “Where’d you run off to?” Clint asked.
    “Zavien showed me the new addition for the ice rink. The locker room is…nice.”
    “Right,” Ivy said. “The locker room put that smile on your face.”
    Before she could confirm or deny Ivy’s suspicion, Jaxon spoke from behind her.
    “Did Zavien grace you with his presence before he ran off to see Nola?”
    What the hell? Clenching her fists, she turned to reply. “What business is it of yours?”
    His eyes shone like shards of ice. “I thought you didn’t want to be someone’s mistress.”
    “I’m not.”
    “His marriage petition has been approved.” Jaxon’s voice held a mean edge she hadn’t heard in a while. “That means you’re officially the other woman.”
    “What is your problem?” Smoke drifted from her mouth. The line moved, forcing her to retreat a step.
    He moved closer, crowding her.
    Ignoring the line, she stood her ground. “I’m not a mistress. This is different.”
    “Is it?” He tilted his head like he was confused.
    That old I want to set his hair on fire feeling returned with a vengeance. “It is different.” She had proof. “He’s taking me to the fall dance.”
    “Is he?”
    The air of disbelief that radiated from him pissed her off. “Yes, he is.”
    “If you say so.” He pointed behind her. “It’s your turn.”
    Good. She needed to vent some frustration before she gave in to her natural instincts and shot the mother of all fireballs at Jaxon’s stupid head. Climbing onto the podium, she accepted the jousting stick. Her opponent was climbing the ladder to join her when Jaxon approached and said something that made the boy climb back down, allowing Jaxon to take his place on the opposite podium.
    “What are you doing?” she asked.
    He spun the jousting stick in his hand. “Isn’t this your dream come true?”
    Why was she arguing? Crouching in a defensive position, she swung at him. He blocked the blow. She braced herself for the return strike. He stood there smiling.
    “Hello? Aren’t you going to swing at me?”
    “No. I plan to deflect your blows. Eventually you’ll become overconfident, swing too hard, and fall off all by yourself.”
    She wanted to shove the jousting stick down his throat. Instead

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