Brianna's Navy SEAL

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Book: Read Brianna's Navy SEAL for Free Online
Authors: Natalie Damschroder
run over with you tonight? I joined the other day but haven't started working out over there yet."
    And thus began phase one of their courtship, one Cable felt proud of as they slowly incorporated their day-to-day activities into each other's lives. He joined her at the club a few days a week, and she started going to the café before work once in a while. They carpooled to school on days neither one had committee work that held them late, and once a week they went to the single-screen theater in town for the latest movie that had been out everywhere else for two months.
    It didn't take long for Brianna to be so comfortable with their slow build that she became un comfortable with it. Cable seemed firmly entrenched in the small town mythology, but he still talked about his days as a SEAL with a wistfulness that worried her. What if he started missing these guys he talked about, Gunner and Jupiter and Moscow? She kept reminding herself that he was only here for one school year, that he'd rented his little house from an older man who was “trying” Arizona and could come back any time, that his family lived far away. All reasons he could decide Brook Hollow wasn't enough for him.
    That Brianna wasn't enough for him.
    She was trying to decide if she should be worried that he'd canceled their movie date this week, when she pushed through the front door of Ken's office a few blocks from downtown.
    "Hey, sweetie.” Ken's secretary, Lucy, flashed a grin from behind her desk. Most of it hid behind her round cheeks and double chin, but coupled with her Southern charm and sincerity, it could pull anyone out of a funk.
    "Hey, Luce. Is Ken here? He said he had some accounts for me to pick up."
    "He's here, babydoll, but he's tied up on the phone with Mr. Carhurst. You know how he is.” She winced as Ken's voice became audible behind his closed door. “I wish the old dear would just get those hearing aids, and then he wouldn't think Ken told him he could pay his quarterly estimates once a year.” She shook her head and went back to stuffing fliers in envelopes for Ken's semi-annual mailing. Brianna recognized the design, which never changed.
    She sighed and glanced around the cluttered office. File folders full of God-knew-what piled on every available surface. Drawers of the six tall filing cabinets refused to close, and in one case he'd shoved a block of wood under the front of it to keep the whole thing from tipping forward and dumping its load all over the floor. The manila contrasted with the dark half-paneling that surrounded the room and matched the yellowed white paint on the upper halves of the walls. The place looked the same as it had ten years ago, and maybe much, much longer. Ken had inherited the business from his father, and Brianna was still amazed whenever he managed to find something that had been stuck in a drawer thirty years ago.
    Ken yelled again, and Brie glanced at her watch. “Do you know what accounts he wanted—"
    The office door opened before she could finish, and Ken trotted out, running his hand over his forehead and adjusting his glasses.
    "Whew. He was adamant that time. I wish he'd get those darned hearing aids.” He spotted Brie and suddenly seemed to get flustered. “Ah, Brianna, yes, thanks, thanks for coming over. I didn't expect you quite so quickly. Go in, go in, I'll be right there with the accounts."
    She sighed but went ahead into the office while he headed for the water cooler next to Lucy's desk. She plopped down on the faux leather chair in front of his desk and dropped her bag on the floor. Ken was not a point-oriented man. He'd flutter and ramble about, beating around a hundred bushes before he got to what he needed. Sometimes she managed to come in and get out quickly, but she could tell this would not be one of those times.
    "So, Brianna. How are you?” He closed the door and circled the metal desk.
    Brianna sat up, surprised. He never closed his door. Ramble and beat around the

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