Breathing Vapor
shook his head. “It took everything I had and didn’t make a sound.”
    “Did it?” Mira’s fingers tightened against his shaft and Vapor clenched his jaw, preparing to endure the agony she’d inflict upon him.
    Her grip eased. There was no pain. She caressed him, touching him as though he was cherished, valued. The most delectable bliss radiated from her hands.
    Vapor gazed at her, conflicted, needy, angry. He could take torture, but not this.
    “It has balls.” She cupped them, giving him only pleasure. Having no countermeasures to combat her strategy, he was helpless to resist her. “Big ones.”
    She drifted her fingertips over his body, exploring the indent under his hipbones, walked around him, touching his clenched ass cheeks, the small of his back. He shook, the best warrior on the planet turned to mush by a small female.
    “Hmmm…” That sound would haunt him for solar cycles to come. “I’ll take this one and I’ll need another, one for each arm.”
    She didn’t need any other cyborg. Vapor glared at her. He was enough for her.
    She turned her attention to Ace and Thrasher, and he stiffened, not liking the thought of her touching them. She fondled their biceps, pinched their chins, slapped their asses, drawing grumbles from the cyborgs through their private transmission lines. There was no stroking of cocks or cupping of balls.
    “It’s difficult to choose.” Mira grasped Thrasher’s wrist, repositioning him beside Vapor. “They’re both prime specimens.” She stood back, crossed her arms under her ample breasts and gazed at them.
    Do I want to be chosen? Thrasher asked.
    No, you don’t. I can’t process what she has planned. Her face told Vapor nothing. But I’m certain it involves humiliation . As she was humiliating him now, taking away all of his power, all of his control.
    I’m certain also, Ace agreed . She talks of making Vapor beg and tells Hun this will benefit the Humanoid Alliance. Anything that helps them harms us.
    Humans aren’t like cyborgs, Thrasher defended the female. They can lie.
    His female lied about everything. Either she’s lying and can’t be trusted or she’s helping the Humanoid Alliance and can’t be trusted. The conclusion is the same. She can’t be trusted.
    Thrasher couldn’t argue against that logic. The three of them fell silent. There was nothing they could do. They were at Mira’s mercy.
    She continued to gaze at them. Vapor didn’t know why. Ace had the higher kill rate, second only to himself. He should be the warrior chosen.
    “It’s said that cyborgs are closest to the models next to them in number.” She looked at Vapor, intelligence in her direct gaze. “K000156.” She tapped his right pec and he felt the contact down to his balls. “Would prefer to have K000157 by its side.” She placed one of her palms on Ace’s chest.
    Vapor would prefer to have Ace by his side because, of the two males, he was the more logical being. At least one cyborg should use his processors while facing Mira.
    That cyborg wasn’t Vapor. His need for the lush human female compounded with each passing moment. His circuits hummed in her presence.
    “I don’t care about K000156’s preferences.” A cold smile spread across Mira’s face. “It’s a machine. I’ll choose K000158. It has those stunning blue eyes.”
    Hun threw back his head and laughed.
    Blue eyes were a disadvantage. Vapor pressed his lips together. They were more visible in the dark.
    Mira, being the Designer’s daughter, knew that. She’d made her decision merely to irritate him. He fought the urge to take her over his knee and smack her ass.
    That crazy course of action would get him decommissioned.
    If done in public.
    Once they were in private, he’d strip off that ridiculous fabric she swathed herself in, rendering her as naked as he was now.
    She’d be humiliated, as she had been last planet rotation. Humans were prudish about their bodies. And she’d be at his mercy. He’d

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