Breaking Through the Waves
baby. Always.”
    “I was so scared that you wouldn’t.”
    “That’s impossible.”
    “Even after what I said about Johnny?”
    “It changes nothing, Sydney. Your past is in the past—where it belongs.”
    “You’re right. I do feel better.”
    “Together, we can get through this and make it a distant memory.”
    She nodded. “Thank you for not getting mad.”
    He didn’t respond to her comment. “Can I ask you a few things?”
    “What other sexual things did he do to you?” Her eyes widened in fright. “It doesn’t change how I feel about you. I just want to know.”
    “He went down on me.”
    “He never had sex with you?”
    “He tried.”
    “Do you have any proof?”
    “I wish.”
    “What about your stepdad? Do you have any proof of his crimes?”
    “No. I was never allowed to have a cell phone. I would have recorded it if I could.”
    He sighed. “Then perhaps we should just let it go.”
    She nodded. “I think that’s best.”
    “We’re going to have a beautiful life together, Sydney.”
    “We haven’t been together very long.”
    “No, we haven’t. But I’m never letting you go.”
    “I don’t want you to.”
    “Good.” He rocked her in his arms.
    Sydney knew she should tell him about Thanksgiving and how her stepdad and brother planned to fly there, but she didn’t want to discuss that yet. She just dropped a bomb on him. He was taking the information so well but she didn’t want to push him. One horrific story was enough for the day.

    When Sydney came to campus the next morning, Henry was just getting out of his car.
    “Hey,” she said happily as she approached him.
    “Hey,” he said with a smile. The light was still gone from his eyes. She knew his smile was just a show the second she looked at him. He was still sad. “How was your weekend?”
    “It was good,” she said awkwardly, thinking about making love all over the place. “How was yours?”
    “Great. I went out with some friends and met this girl. We are going out tonight.”
    “Really? That’s great.”
    “Yeah,” he said. “She ’s cute and—well—Derek made me.”
    She laughed. “He gave you a little nudge?”
    “More like a shove. He walked up to her and said I told him she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen then introduced her to me. I was forced to go along with it.”
    “Well, it worked.”
    “Yeah,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair, shifting his weight. “So, how’s Coen?”
    She was quiet, unsure what to say.
    “Syd, he was going to come up at some point. It’s best just to rip off the bandage.”
    “He’s good.”
    “So, you worked everything out?”
    “Yeah. We did.”
    He nodded. “I’m glad that I was able to repair some of the damage I caused.”
    “It wasn’t your fault, Henry.”
    “Yes, it was. I feel horrible for pressuring you repeatedly then kissing you when you were heartbroken. I feel like a to tal ass. If I had known you were with Coen, or even liked the guy, I never would have said anything to you.”
    “I know, Henry. Please don’t apologize. I don’t blame you for anything and neither does Coen.”
    “Of course.”
    He sighed. “I’m relieved. I was worried about what you thought of me.”
    “I still think you are a really great guy.”
    Coen parked his car then jumped out, closing the door behind him.
    Henry saw him. “Well, I’ll see you later.”
    “Please don’t do that.”
    “You don’t have to disappear just because he’s around.”
    He nry put his hands in his pockets and sighed. “I just don’t want to come between you guys again.”
    “You won’t. You are always welcome around us.”
    Coen reached them. “Hey, man,” he said as he nodded to Henry. “Have a good weekend?”
    “I got a date.”
    “Ooh. Is she cute?”
    “Really cute,” he said with a nod.
    Coen kissed Sydney on the cheek. “Good morning, baby.”

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