Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Book: Read Breaking Free (Siren Publishing Classic) for Free Online
Authors: Grae McTavish
was liking this creep less and less. Danny was such a wonderful free spirit. It was a shame to try and hold her back. But then she walked out of her office in the leather pants, spiked boots, tight tank top and tasseled leather jacket, and he wanted to keep her locked up himself. In her library garb she was cute, but in her biker garb, good Lord! It should be illegal for a woman to look that good! And what that tank top did to her cleavage, well that was more than any man should have to endure.
    If he was stunned, the two girls behind the counter were positively floored. “ Oh ! My ! God ! ” Blondie hissed. “Ms. D, you are smokin’!”
    The looks from the male students in the library said that they agreed, and it was all Gabe could do to not thump his chest caveman style, while shouting, Mine!
    Danny flushed as she joined him. “The top’s a little tight. Are you sure you ordered the right size?”
    The girls giggled, and before Gabe could even get a coherent thought past his slack lips, the brunette answered for him. “Are you kidding? He’s practically drooling, Ms. D. It’s perfect!”
    Gabe cleared his throat. They were right, he was nearly drooling. But she was intoxicating to him. Just being near her was a rush. His blood was singeing through his veins, all heading to the same inconvenient location, just a little south of his belt. “You ready?” Nodding, she let him lead her toward the door, but within a few feet he stopped. “One thing’s not quite right.” Turning her around, he made quick work of the pins holding her bun in place. Loving the smooth feel of her ebony tresses, he ran his fingers through it, inhaling the sweet clean scent. When it was loose, hanging in soft waves down her back, he nodded. “That’s better.” Oh the plans he had for that long, beautiful hair.
    She was blushing again. “That feels so good, so hot,” she confessed. Deep, longing sighs came from behind them. Apparently her assistants agreed.
    Danny climbed on the bike behind him, setting off a new set of fireworks through his already needy body. She was shaking as she pressed herself into him. “You better get us some place very private, very quick if I have to ride like this with you,” she whispered into his ear in a soft, husky voice.
    Gabe sucked in his breath at the feel of her hot breath on his neck, hot body pressing into him, and even hotter words in his ear. She was right. They had to get somewhere private soon, especially in light of what he’d discovered this morning. He hit the bike’s ignition switch, and it rumbled to life. Her assistants’ faces were pressed to the glass doors, with looks of shock and admiration on their faces. Forcing himself to take a deep breath, he pulled back on the throttle, and the bike roared as they pulled away.

    * * * *

    Danny clung to Gabe as they exited the campus and headed out onto the main highway. The powerful engine ate the miles, and soon they were well beyond the outskirts of Aurora, surrounded by trees and rising rock walls. Danny had always loved the beauty of the Smoky Mountains, and as they began to climb, she found herself wide-eyed with wonder. Before long they left the main highway for a narrow, two-lane road. This snaked steeply upward, causing her to give a squeak and cling to him even more fiercely. Just when she started to relax again, he slowed and turned the bike onto an overgrown dirt road. The steep, twisting path led them deep into the woods, and Danny shivered at the isolation. Instinctively, she pressed closer to Gabe. The woods finally opened up to reveal a large clearing overlooking a crystal-clear river. The bike slowed down and she was able to take it all in.
    “What is this place, Eden?” Danny’s voice held a touch of awe as her gaze swept the stunning scene before them.
    “This is my special place I guess.” She noted the slight blush spreading across his handsome face, but with a shrug he went on. “I’ve never brought anyone here

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