they’re all over the fucking place.” I leered at him. “You saw the wrong goddamned girl.”
Rocco leered right back. “And are you going to say that Blaze mistook someone else for her too?”
“No, he did see her. But—”
“What the fuck?” Axel interrupted, and I held my hand up.
“Hold on.” I told Axel before addressing Rocco once more. “Velasquez was harassing Sawyer, trying to get her to sell us out. She refused to talk. So, maybe you should get the whole fucking story before you start poking fucking fingers at people.”
“That doesn’t explain what I saw.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Well like I said, you need to get your fucking eyes checked.”
“You need to get your head out of your ass, and start looking at the facts,” Trista spat.
“No! You need to take a step back, and stop being so set on revenge. She fucking left, and you can’t let it go. People make mistakes. Time to get over it or you’re going to wind up losing me too.”
Trista blinked at my threat. “You’re fucking kidding me, right? You would choose her over me? Over us? That bitch who took off on you? Left you with zero explanation and never so much as texted you in over five years? You would choose her over your own flesh and blood? You son of a bitch!”
“Hey!” Rogue yelled. “You keep the family bullshit for the dinner table and off my table, got it?”
Trista’s eyes were venomous as she stared me down. I didn’t flinch, refusing to give her the upper hand. First, she insinuated I had something to do with the missing parts, and now this? I was done. Until she could remember that not everyone was out to screw her over, I was just done.
“A few sightings of Sawyer with Velasquez isn’t enough to prove she’s the rat. So, until we have solid evidence the allegations are dismissed,” Rogue declared.
“At least someone still has their head on right,” I mumbled.
“That’s enough,” Rogue slammed his hand on the table. “In case you all have forgotten, we are a club. We have each other’s backs, and we fight on the same side, not against each other. So the next time we are in this room, I want all this bullshit done with. You hear me?”
Nobody responded. I took a drag off my cigarette, allowing the nicotine to calm me.
Rogue slammed his hand on the table again, and this time Trista jumped.
“I said, did you hear me?”
“Yeah,” we all mumbled.
“Good. Dismissed. I need a fucking drink.”
I stood to walk out, but Trista squared off in front of me. “She’s the rat, and I’m going to prove it.”
“You’re wasting your fucking time.”
“We’ll see about that,” she growled and stormed off.
I sidled up to the bar, and waved Larry down. He poured me a shot, and I downed it, crooking my fingers indicating I was ready for a second, and downed that too. I welcomed the burn, and tried to forget the last half hour.
Axel smacked my shoulder. “You okay?”
He sat down beside me. “Do you think?”
“Don’t fucking ask me that. Sawyer is not the rat. I don’t give two shits what Trista said or what Blaze and Rocco saw. I know her. She’s not capable of that kind of betrayal.”
I watched Cruz duck out of the bar. “I actually have to head out. I’ll catch you later,” I said to Axel, and followed Cruz outside.
“Where you running off to?” I asked, as he got on his bike, and pulled his helmet into place.
“Good, then you won’t mind if I ride with you then. Have to pass her house to get to mine.”
He shrugged. “Not at all. Let’s go.”
I straddled my bike, and rode next to him as we pulled into the street. I still couldn’t shake seeing him go into Las Almas territory, and, especially, talking to Chubs. There was something going on with him, but I couldn’t figure it out. I couldn’t help him if I didn’t know.
I thought about confronting him, but he was too smart for his own damn good. He’d be able to dodge