
Read Brando for Free Online Page A

Book: Read Brando for Free Online
Authors: Marita A. Hansen
night sky. A loud honk came from behind the car. A second later, the two Vipers zipped past on a motorbike: one driving, the other holding onto her tight. Vinnie watched them disappear into the dark, Dominic’s words running through his mind. Maybe he should fuck D and get her out of his system. He just had to be up front about what he wanted—a one-night stand, nothing more.
    His phone rang. He pulled it out and clicked it on, placing it to his ear. “ Pronto ?” he answered.
    No one replied.
    “ Pronto? ”
    Again, no reply, only breathing sounds coming through the line.
    He grunted, realizing it was his stalker. “Stop calling me. Also, stop sending me those freaky letters. I’m not your fiancé, I’m no one’s.” He hung up.
    Dominic grabbed Vinnie’s phone out of his hand and looked at it. “It’s a different number. I’ll try tracing it tomorrow.”
    “Why bother?” Vinnie said, taking the phone back. “You haven’t had any luck tracing them before.”
    “They’ll slip up eventually, then I’ll have something to latch onto.”
    Vinnie slumped back into his seat. “I wish.”
    “Trust me, Vinnie, I’ll catch the psycho.”
    Brando elbowed Vinnie, giving him a toothy grin. “Then I’ll make her regret the day she saw you.”
    Vinnie smiled, Brando’s expression snapping him out of his annoyance. “What are you going to do? Suck her dry, vampiro ?”
    “No, she can suck my cock dry before I slit her throat.”
    “You’re a sick motherfucker.”
    Brando turned to look out the window, muttering, “I know.”

    Brando emerged from the vehicle, ordering the soldiers from the other car to move out of his way. He was here to protect his brothers, not to be protected. The soldiers stepped aside, not willing to challenge him. He scanned the club’s front and the sidewalk, assessing any threats. People stood in a long line outside H20 , many of them openly staring at him. He knew he was beautiful, that was obvious; he had to be blind not to acknowledge it. Though, some of the club-goers’ stares held fear, because they knew he was Mafioso . It wasn’t just the soldiers standing at his back: he had a reputation as a killer, many knowing he was a hitman.
    He tapped on the car’s roof, indicating it was safe for the twins to get out. More soldiers emerged from the other car, creating a barrier for his brothers to walk through. He’d wanted to take the twins around the back of the nightclub, slipping them inside without anyone noticing. But Dominic liked fanfare, his brother needing to breathe the adulation in more than air itself.
    The twins emerged from the car, which set off the women in the line. The groupies ran for his brothers, screaming their names. The soldiers held the women back, giving the twins and him free passage to the club door. The bouncer stepped aside for them, bowing his head in respect, the club belonging to their family.
    More screams welcomed them as they entered the club, the scantily clad women all reaching for the twins, wanting a piece of them. Dominic grinned, looking like he was about to come in his pants from all the attention. A woman in a dress three sizes too small, held out a marker for Dominic to take, saying something Brando couldn’t hear. His brother reached past the soldiers and grabbed the marker, his grin widening as the woman pulled down her dress top. He scrawled his name and number across her bare breasts, handing the marker back once done. He flicked out his studded tongue at her, then resumed walking.
    The soldiers continued to push the club-goers back, trying their best to protect the twins, although hands still snuck through. Vinnie let out a yelp, a female probably pinching his ass. A commotion broke out. Vinnie swung out at a man, attempting to punch him in the face. Brando laughed along with Dominic, realizing the man had done the pinching.
    One of the soldiers dragged Vinnie’s finger-happy admirer away, the man screaming his undying

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