this man think she was a fool? “You should go now. B-before my husband gets back. He has a fierce temper.”
“That ain’t good. I sure hate to make him mad. Maybe I ought to make sure he doesn’t mind me leaving this pup here, and then I’ll be on my way.” Picking up his reins, he started down the path to the barn. “I’ll just say hello and let him know he owes me a nickel for that pup.”
Isabelle bit her lip and glanced from the boys and back to the stranger. “You boys stay put.”
She hurried after him. “Sir…Matt, I really don’t think you should go down there.”
“S’all right, Isabelle. He can get as mad as he wants. I don’t scare easy.”
He was unbalanced, she decided. Of all the men she’d met in Colter Canyon, this one took some sort of prize for being overbearing and impossible. She wracked her mind for a solution.
The man strolled into the barn. “Nope, nobody here. Guess I’ll let Arlo have a little supper and a roll.”
“Who’s Arlo?” she asked, her panic growing.
“My horse.”
Matt unsaddled his horse, took off the bridle and opened the door to an empty stall. She watched as he ambled to the grain bin and scooped out some feed. He dumped it in a bucket and turned to face her.
“Is there water at the back of that pasture?” He gestured to the open door on the side of the stall. It led to a pasture that bordered the river.
“Yes.” Her heart sank. He was truly going to wait until her imaginary husband returned.
“Good.” He untied his saddlebags and slung them over his shoulder. “G’night, Arlo.”
When he turned back to the house she hurried after. His long legs covered the distance back to the house in no time, and she had to half-run to keep up. Desperation squeezed her heart. Maybe if she fed him a good dinner, he would tack Arlo up and ride out of here.
“Bring that pup inside, boys,” he said as he mounted the steps to the cabin and disappeared through the door. Seth picked up the pup, and he and Luke trailed after Matt. Isabelle hurried up the steps and entered the house just as Matt was handing the boys a stick of peppermint.
“Thanks, Mister,” Seth exclaimed, struggling to hold the pup and the candy.
The two boys went to the fire and sat down, the pup between them.
Matt vanished down the hallway leading to the back. She found him in Jerome’s room, settling his belongings on a corner table.
“Who do you think you are?” Her voice shook with fear and outrage. In all the times a man had confronted her or tried to coerce her into marriage, none had ever been as bold or brazen as to walk right into her home. This man must know she wasn’t truly married and had come to stake his claim on her. She’d expected some sheepish words from him, some clumsy proposal, but instead his expression twisted with fury.
He stalked across the room towards her, forcing her back. She stumbled, trying to keep some distance between them, but her retreat was halted by the wall. Setting his hands on either side of her, he trapped her, pinning her with his angry gaze.
“No, Isabelle. You go first. Who do you think you are?”
His eyes flashed. He stood so close she could see the small flecks of darker blue. His masculine scent hit her and sent darts of awareness over her skin. Her breasts tightened, and she could feel her nipples press painfully against her chemise. What was this madman doing to her? It was shameful to be aroused by a stranger. His proximity was like a match to dry kindling.
“I’m a m-married woman.”
He lowered his hand to her waist, and she flinched. She whimpered with an excruciating mix of need and terror.
“I’m married, too.” His voice was deeper and quieter than before. “How long have you been married, Isabelle?”
What a strange question. But everything about this man was strange. His familiarity. His brashness. His fury.
She looked up into his cold eyes. “I’ve been married a month.”
He stroked his thumb across the